RISE! Race: An In-depth Spiritual Examination

Seaside United Methodist Church in Sunset Beach, NC 1300 Seaside Rd SW, Sunset Beach, North Carolina, United States

@ Moving from Head to Heart, from Knowledge to Transformation. RISE! is a faith-based version of a national anti-racism training model offered in a two-day workshop from 10 am to […]


Confirmation Retreat at Camp Don Lee

Don Lee Camp & Retreat Center 315 Camp Don Lee Rd, Arapahoe, North Carolina

Camp Don Lee will host its annual Confirmation Retreat on March 8th - 9th. Bring your confirmation group to Camp Don Lee as we explore Confirmation as an important step […]


RISE! Race: An In-depth Spiritual Examination

Seaside United Methodist Church in Sunset Beach, NC 1300 Seaside Rd SW, Sunset Beach, North Carolina, United States

@ Moving from Head to Heart, from Knowledge to Transformation. RISE! is a faith-based version of a national anti-racism training model offered in a two-day workshop from 10 am to […]


Global Vision 2024

St. James UMC – Greenville 2000 E 6th St,, Greenville, North Carolina

@ Theme: Anti-Racism Join us at Global Vision! Our theme is Antiracism this year. One of the main focuses of our Annual Conference has been antiracism, and as we try […]


ERT Recertification

Mt. Zion AME Zion Church 2251 Mt. Zion Lane, Eastover, North Carolina

@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to […]


Early Response Team Training

Mt. Zion AME Zion Church 2251 Mt. Zion Lane, Eastover, North Carolina

@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to […]


Harbor District: Basic Course

Ocean View UMC 8400 East Oak Island Drive, Oak Island, NC, United States

This course is open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister


Gateway District: Public Prayer


Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers for those on whose behalf the prayer is offered.


Looking Up: Acknowledging Grief, Embracing Hope


Join author, birder, and pastor Courtney Ellis for an invitation into simple, gentle, creative spiritual practices that can encourage our hearts as we seek to live with open hands. Whether you’re holding the weight of grief, seeking to lead well through uncertain days, or just eager for a fresh encounter with the Spirit, Ellis is a wise and soulful guide


Why Aren’t We Talking About Money?

@ Join the Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship & Generosity at Discipleship Ministries, and Rev. Dr. Thad Austin, author, United Methodist clergy, and Vice President of Philanthropy for […]

Fairway District: Basic Course

St. Francis UMC 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister


Fairway District: Called to Preach

St. Francis UMC 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd, Cary, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity. In addition, it meets the preaching requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers. This course also counts as an “advanced course” for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.
