Sabbath on the Farm 2025

Dinner Bell Farm 7565 Snow Camp Road, Snow Camp, North Carolina

Rest, reflect, and renew your spirit in creation. Invite a friend or your covenant group, or come for a private day of Sabbath on our 40-acre regenerative farm. You choose […]


Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History)

Soapstone UMC 12837 Norwood Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

This course will explore the special gifts of theology, witness, and organization that The United Methodist Church brings to the church universal, how we got where we are today, and how our distinctive emphases are still needed in the 21st-century church.


Pinehurst Annual Chocolate Festival

Pinehurst UMC 4111 Airport Rd. Pinehurst, NC, Pinehurst, North Carolina, United States

Come out to the Pinehurst UMC Chocolate Festival on Saturday, February 8 from 9 am-1 pm. The Festival will include chocolate baked goods and confections, a gift boutique, donuts, hot […]

Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course


This Zoom course is open to all laity. The Beacon district is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and Living Our United Methodist Beliefs(UM History) the following week. Anyone who completes both courses will have all the needed coursework to become a certified lay servant.


Early Response Team Training

Wesley Campus Ministry, UNC Chapel Hill 201 E. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina