@ Whether you’re new to these forms or a seasoned pro, everyone is welcome to sign up for the training. Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live
The Harbor district LSM team is pleased to present this preaching course, open to all UMC laity. This course will expand upon basic public speaking and the foundations necessary for preparing an engaging sermon. Included are various types of sermons – from exegetical to topical to children’s sermons – as well as how to find a story, use the hymnal, and how to move from communication on paper to beyond the paper.
The Harbor district LSM team is pleased to present this preaching course, open to all UMC laity. This course will expand upon basic public speaking and the foundations necessary for preparing an engaging sermon. Included are various types of sermons – from exegetical to topical to children’s sermons – as well as how to find a story, use the hymnal, and how to move from communication on paper to beyond the paper.
@ We look forward to meeting in person at our upcoming Clergy Setup meeting on Thursday, August 29 from 10:30am-12:30pm. We will meet at Trinity (Wilmington), 1403 Market St, Wilmington, NC for a time of breaking bread and fellowship and to welcome our new pastors to the Harbor District.Reach out to Pam Maher with questions […]
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NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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