The Corridor district Lay Servant Ministries team presents Leading in Prayer with Stephan Margeson.
Course scholarships are available to those in need of financial assistance. Scholarships reduce the cost of a course to $5. Please contact your district director or
About this course: Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers for those on whose behalf the prayer is offered.
Course goals:
- Consider what public prayer is and is not;
- Acquire practical guidelines for avoiding common pitfalls;
- Explore prayers as an integral part of worship;
- Discuss the kind of language we need, and don’t need, to address God.
Order Your Book!
All participants are expected to read the participant book, Let the Whole Church Say Amen by Laurence Hull Stookey, before taking this course.
For questions about the course, please contact Corridor district LSM co-director Vicki Ambrose,
About the Facilitator
Stephan Margeson is our Pastor of Disciple. He is the primary pastor for Aldersgate Worship Service, and oversees discipleship programming and opportunities for Front Street UMC in all age groups. Stephan also advises the Missions Team of Front Street UMC in volunteer opportunities and financial giving. He enjoys going on runs with his dog, having adventures with his family, and eating really good food with friends!
CO: Leading in Prayer (April 27, 2024)
** Registration is open until Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 11:00 pm. This gives the attendee enough time to register for the training, order and receive the reading materials, and read before the day of class.
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