The North Carolina Conference Lay Servant Ministries team will sponsor an information session on Certified Lay Ministry (CLM) on at the North Carolina Conference building in Garner.
Called a Day of Discovery, this time with CLM facilitators Anggie Thompson and Deborah Horton will provide information on lay ministry, as well as an overview of the training program used in the North Carolina Conference to prepare and equip certified lay ministers to serve in local congregations.
Registration is open until May 27th and lunch is provided, free of charge.
- 9:30am – Doors open
- 10am – Welcome and Introductions
- 10:15am – Morning Worship
- 10:45am – Who’s in the Room?
- 11:20am – Break
- 11:30am – Overview of Certified Lay Ministry
- 12:15pm – Lunch and Community
- 12:45pm – The Life of a CLM: One Person’s Journey
- 1:15pm – Sharing Your Story
- 2:15pm – The CLM Process: Logistics and Discussion
- 3pm – Dismissal and Blessings for the Journey
Want to hear directly from a CLM about her experience? Check out this video with Pastor Laura Thompson and CLM Sandy Quinn as they share about the value of certified lay ministry for local congregations…
To learn more about certified lay ministry, visit any of these pages on the NC Conference website:
For questions, you may contact Josey Snyder at josey.snyder@nccumc.org.
2024 CLM Day of Discovery
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