Each September, the NC Conference celebrates the Season of Creation with worship services and educational webinars. Below, you will find links and videos of past Season of Creation events.
Season of Creation 2022
Season of Creation Worship Service at St. Andrews UMC
Creation Care: How to Talk About the Environment in Church
Advocacy Is Action: What You Can Do
Nature’s Best Hope, with Doug Tallamy
Building a United Methodist Creation Justice Movement, with Sharon Delgado
Season of Creation 2021
The North Carolina Conference was thrilled to celebrate Season of Creation 2021 together. Throughout the Conference, we saw many churches and individual Christians come together to celebrate God’s handiwork, and to participate in caring for this creation that has been entrusted into our hands.
The NC Conference is excited about our commitment towards carbon neutrality. As is detailed in this press release, we have set ourselves the task of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% in the next nine years, with an overall goal of being carbon neutral by the year 2050. The Creation Care Committee and the Conference Trustees have already begun working together on an energy audit for the Conference building, and looking into the first steps in this long task. Keep checking back for updates on our progress.
We are also thrilled to recognize the first two certified Green Churches in the NCC: Trinity UMC in Southport, and St. Andrew’s UMC in Garner. Both of these churches completed the requirements for the Green Church Initiative, and are continuing to do the work of caring for their neighbors by repairing the environment around them. Congratulations to Trinity and St. Andrew’s, and we look forward to working with the next class of Green Church Initiative churches. Sign your church up today.
All of the webinars we hosted in September have been recorded, and are available at the links below. We hope you will use these videos for your own personal education, and to help guide your local church into a better way of caring for creation.
We would love to hear from you. How did you observe Season of Creation 2021? What can the creation care committee do to assist your local ministry to become more ecologically sustainable? Let us know in the comments, or send us an email.
Season of Creation 2021 Videos
Season of Creation Worship Service
Coal Ash, BIPOC Farming, and Everything In Between: An Environmental Justice Panel
Creation Care, Spirituality, and the Healing of Trauma
ReGenesis 2.15: Tools for Regenerating the Soil and Soul of Your Community