I was thrilled to be able to speak at Ann Street UMC on April 23. They had invited me as a part of their Earth Day celebrations, which went on […]
Empowering the Local Church: Redeeming Creation 2023
In my travels to various churches and events, I have had the joy of meeting several Christians who feel called by God to prioritize caring for Creation. It is life-affirming […]
The Whole World In His Hands
“He’s got the whole world, in his hands,” we used to sing when I was a kid. On my jog this morning, I was reflecting on that. It’s a beautiful […]
Inspire: Redeeming Creation 2023
“…then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 […]
Announcing Redeeming Creation 2023: Inspire
The NC Conference creation care committee is excited to announce Redeeming Creation 2023! This year will be our first in-person Redeeming Creation, and we are excited to see you all […]
Recap: Season of Creation 2022
What a great month September was for creation care in the North Carolina Conference. We had higher attendance at all of our Season of Creation events than we’ve ever had […]