“He’s got the whole world, in his hands,” we used to sing when I was a kid.
On my jog this morning, I was reflecting on that. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining brightly, everything that was brown and barren a few weeks ago is now a vibrant green. Bluebirds, robins, cardinals and jays darted from branch to branch as I jogged by.
This truly is a beautiful world that is held in God’s hands.
As I jogged and remembered that song from my childhood, about God holding the whole world, I remembered how I understood that to mean that God was taking care of the whole world. Indeed, I still do believe that.
But I’ve realized in my maturing that the way God takes care of the world and everything in it is to send us. Jesus told us to imitate him as he imitates the Father; just as we see God caring for the whole world, so we, Christ’s followers, are to care for the whole world.
The whole world is not only in God’s hands. It’s in ours as well.
This upcoming Saturday (April 22) is Earth Day, an annual reminder of the responsibility we have to take care of this planet we live on. Christians ought to be especially attentive to this responsibility; not only do we take care of the earth because we live here, but because our neighbors, the very ones Jesus instructed us to take care of, live here. God entrusted creation into our hands.
I know several churches will be acknowledging Earth Day this weekend, with worship services, Sunday school lessons, and sermons dedicated to the care of creation. I’m thrilled to be able to speak at one such service.
What a perfect opportunity you all have to make creation care a priority in your church. It is the hope of the NCC Creation Care Committee that each United Methodist Church in North Carolina develop a creation care ministry.
This can seem daunting, I know. I have spoken with many people who want to start such a ministry, but don’t know where to begin. I’d like to invite you to begin by attending Redeeming Creation 2023.
Redeeming Creation is our annual seminar for clergy and laity alike to help deepen and strengthen our understanding of God’s creation and how to take care of it. This year’s Redeeming Creation is May 6 at First UMC Cary (117 S Academy St, Cary NC) from 9:00-4:00. Our theme is Inspire, and we will be focusing on how creation care is done in our local communities.
We hope you can join us. For more information about the theme and our speakers, follow this link. To register for the seminar, fill out the form below.