September is fast approaching, and we couldn’t be more excited! Why? Because September is the Season of Creation.
Each year, the NC Conference spends the month of September focusing on God’s creation and what it means for us to be God’s creatures. It is a time of celebration, or worship, of learning, and of growth.
This year, we will begin the Season of Creation with a Conference-wide worship event at Camp Chestnut Ridge (4300 Camp Chestnut Ridge Rd, Efland, NC). We will celebrate God’s goodness in the open air and beauty of this place by worshiping in song, prayer and proclamation. Creation Care chair, Rev. Jarrod Davis, will be preaching.
We hope you’ll join us at Chestnut Ridge for this event on September 1, 2021 at 7:00 in the evening.
If you can’t make it, no worries: the event will be recorded, and made available to supplement your church’s worship services beginning September 5.
Our webinar series was a hit last year, and we are more excited than ever about this year’s lineup. Our list of presenters includes Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath, Dr. Ellen Davis, George C. Jones, Jr., Jennifer Shecki-Shields, Dr. Stephen Jurovics, and more. For a list of all webinars and to register, check out our Upcoming Events. (All webinars must be registered for independently.)
Of course, it is our hope that all local churches will celebrate the Season of Creation with us as well. We understand that many have never observed such a season before, and we’re here to help. We are currently working to provide resources to help guide churches through celebrating God’s creation in their worship services. So far, we have two sermon series outlines to help you get started. This first one follows the lectionary readings for the week, while this second one does not.
It is hard to believe, but September will be here before you know it. We look forward to joining together with all of you for the Season of Creation 2021. As always, we are here to help. If the creation care committee can assist you in any way, just let us know.