Embody a way of life grounded in the practice of Sabbath
We believe that God made the world and all of creation for the purpose of delight: God’s and ours. After God created in six days the beautiful and well-ordered world, God created Sabbath, a time for ceasing from work to delight in all that had been created.
To practice Sabbath is to enter into the joy of God, who responded to creation by naming it “very good.” Sabbath teaches us the practices of celebration, attentiveness, and delight.

Sabbath Life is an ecumenical invitation to clergy and ministry professionals to practice the rhythms of Sabbath, stepping away from our daily lives to delight in God, creation, and each other. Our unique format offers a holistic approach to good health and clergy renewal, which in turn leads to flourishing congregations and communities.
Beginning in 2023, our partners will be offering a variety of locations as well as 4-month, 6-month, and 10-month programs. In each of these, we learn to incorporate sustainable practices that witness to and reflect the nature and character of a God of abundance and wholeness, enabling us to lead flourishing ministries.
Through work in the garden, worship around the table, shared silence, rest, and reflection together, you will have the opportunity to order your life, renew your energy and passion for ministry, and strengthen your leadership through a community of practice.
For a glimpse into what Sabbath Life is all about, watch this video:
Rhythm of the Day

The day begins at 9am in the garden with welcome, gathering, and an invitation to delight in the work of growing food together. At the end of the morning (11am), we move into a time of worship and gather around the table for Holy Communion and a simple feast of local, seasonal food, prepared on site.
For two hours in the early afternoon (1-3pm), we practice shared silence, during which participants can engage in a time of meditation or prayer, a book, rest, a walk, journaling or a creative practice, or simply waiting on God.
We end the day by gathering around 3pm for a brief time of reflection on the day and how God is moving in our lives. At 4pm, we depart for home refreshed, renewed and reconnected with God, each other, and with creation.

Monthly Farm Produce

Each participant in Sabbath Life receives a bag of farm fresh produce each month from a local farm with recipes to use at home. The farm produce is a way of connecting our community to good, healthy, seasonal food and furthers awareness of the vital connections between sustainable agriculture, healthy bodies, and the flourishing of all creation.
2023 Sabbath Life Cohorts and Registration
Click on a location below for details and registration!
Piedmont – Triangle area, North Carolina
Charlotte area, North Carolina
Asheville area, North Carolina
Cumming, GA
Nashville area, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennessee

- Are you interested in holding Sabbath Life retreats in your location?
- Is your organization or ecclesial body interested in clergy wellness?
- Would you like to learn more about how Sabbath practices can lead to the flourishing of our personal lives, our ministries, and all creation?
Download Resources for Starting a Sabbath Life Ministry in your Location:
- Sabbath Life Training Guide 2022
- Appendix to Training Guide 2022
- Sample Worship for Sabbath Life
- Sample Journal Pages for Sabbath Life
For more resources, training, and questions:
Contact Rev. Stephanie Campbell: stephanie.campbell@lifearoundthetable.org