Coaches, certified through Passion in Partnership, support and encourage pastors and congregations during the visioning process, providing tools and techniques for successful change.
Pastoral coaching can be very effective for:
- Pastors who wish to lead their congregations into practices that bring new life
- First appointment pastors who often feel isolated and need someone to help them navigate through the intricacies of ministry leadership and expectations
- Pastors transitioning to new appointments and in need of someone to keep them focused on what really matters
Congregational coaching can benefit congregations seeking to deepen their discipleship and Christian impact on their community.
To find out more about coaching offered through our conference, email
CareNet of NC – In January 2010, the Conference Commission on Clergy Counseling and Consultation endorsed CareNet to provide services for clergy and local church consultation. Affiliated with Wake Forest Baptist Health, CareNet provides high-quality, faith-integrated counseling and behavioral health services to clients.
Conflict Transformation Specialists
Conflict is a normal part of life, even in the church. Handling these conflicts in a healthy manner is important. Rev. Molly Shivers, director of conflict transformation for the NC Conference, is here to help. Contact her at or 919.779.6115, ext. 342.
“Pastor and Parish” (SPRC Learning Resource)
Combining videos, workbook content, guided discussion and complementary readings, “Pastor and Parish” is a six-session learning resource for United Methodist staff-parish relations committees that ties the committee’s responsibilities back to their spiritual beginnings. It is a joint effort of the Clergy Health Initiative, the Duke Endowment, and Duke Divinity School. Introduced at Annual Conference and made available in late 2013, Bishop Ward has encouraged local SPRCs to use this tool to strengthen their work and covenant life together.
Educational Scholarships
Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship
Offered through the Office of Loans and Scholarships at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM), the scholarship was created to help United Methodist clergy avoid excessive educational loan debt, minimize financial stress and build financial acumen. In 2017, the Office of Loans and Scholarships awarded more than $1.66 million to 206 scholarship recipients. The scholarship is designed for full-time Master of Divinity students attending one of the 13 United Methodist seminaries / schools of theology, and is based on merit, leadership capacity, and financial need. All seminary students are encouraged to apply. Scholarship applications will be open between January 3 and March 1 of each year.
Continuing Education
Center for Leadership Excellence
The Center for Leadership Excellence works to grow and deepen clergy and laity leadership capacity, building healthy congregations and further developing effective leaders. The Center assesses needs and advances transformational and catalytic programs relevant to the local church. Center programs are:
- Days of Learning
- Leadership Fellows Program
- Preaching Well
- Large Church Pastor and Staff Retreat
Lifelong Learning at Duke University
Through a variety of seminars, programs, and other offerings, the Divinity School seeks to help strengthen your faith by building your knowledge about the church and its practices. Click below for information and a calendar of events.
Course of Study for Ordained Ministry
To receive financial assistance from the NCC for the Course of Study, clergy must be under Episcopal appointment.
- Clergy (student) completes enrollment form online through Duke Lifelong Learning.
- Student forwards application to Hannah Koch in the Ministerial Relations office at the NCC. Note: The District Superintendent’s signature may be obtained by the student before forwarding application to the NCC OR the Ministerial Relations office may obtain the signature on behalf of the student.
- The Ministerial Relations office affixes the signature of the Conference Registrar, processes paperwork for financial assistance, and scans a copy to Duke, enabling release of booklist and other information.
- Check is mailed to student.
- If, for any reason, student does not attend, he/she is required to return funds to the Ministerial Relations office.
Scholarships to Rural Church Clergy through The Duke Endowment
The Duke Endowment provides scholarships for UMC pastors in rural churches to attend clergy leadership programs at Duke Divinity School, such as Convocation and Pastors’ School, The Rural Convocation, Study Leave for Ministry Professionals, and the Course of Study for Ordained Ministry.
Clergy Resilience
Clergy Respite Camp
In partnership with the Annual Conference, NC Camp and Retreat Ministries has prepared a special retreat cabin at Don Lee Camp & Retreat Center.
Clergy Study Retreat at Duke Divinity
Need some time to read, reflect, study or just relax? Enjoy 5 -7 days on the Duke Campus for self-directed study, worship and prayer as part of the Clergy Study Retreat program.
Davidson Clergy Center
The Clergy Program offers a unique, comprehensive personal assessment and continuing leadership skills for clergy and church professionals of all faith traditions. The program includes an on-site, five-day experience with follow-up professional coaching. Click below for general information, Clergy Program brochure, and event calendar. Questions? Call 800.223.7258 or 704.895.6487.Clergy Health
Clergy Health
Read more about health and wellness resources for clergy and congregations in the NC conference.