It has long been the hope of the Church universal that we could live into Jesus’ final prayer for his disciples, “that they may all be one.” (John 17:21) Our unity undergirds the work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world so that the light of Christ shines in a hurting world in deep need of salvation, redemption, and reconciliation with God and one another. This is the prayer of every water-washed Spirit-born baptized believer. However, there have been moments throughout the church’s history where some of our brothers and sisters felt it necessary to leave the connection for reason of conscience.
It grieves my heart that some local churches and pastors have discerned that they can no longer be a part of The United Methodist Church. It is painful for us all to have anyone leave the family. We have shared so much together. I pray that the mission to make disciples of Jesus who change the world will be accomplished wherever you find yourself.
The work of The United Methodist Church continues even as we share this pathway for local churches to disaffiliate and clergy persons to withdraw. I pray that each local church and pastor considering this step would do this work of discernment in a deep attitude of prayer, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
We have outlined on our website the process for a local church to disaffiliate or pastor to withdraw. The North Carolina Conference will seek to work with a local church or a pastor to ensure the process is carried out in a spirit of grace and cooperation.
I know that when these things happen, no one leaves totally happy or with all that they desired, but we can proceed without disparaging each other. “Pursue peace with everyone, and the holiness without which no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springs up.” (Hebrews 12:14-15)
In Christ,