I share this statement as a shepherd who loves the people of the church and not so much as a biblical scholar, parliamentary expert, or expert interpreter of the Book of Discipline. I am restating that in no way should my kindness or the annual conference’s posture of graciousness be an encouragement for churches to disaffiliate.
From the Bishop: Building on the Solid Rock
Disciples of Jesus Christ live and act graciously toward others even when we hold different opinions. I have shared on multiple occasions my desire that we would live into this […]
A New Season for the People Called United Methodist
The United Methodist Church has a rich history of ministry and mission that spans the world. That history continues as wonderfully portrayed in the #BeUMC campaign and the countless ways […]
From the Bishop: Enough
Hearts once again struggle for words that will not come easily. Grief brought about by another senseless act of violence at the hands of a teenager with guns
Moving Forward Graciously
It has long been the hope of the Church universal that we could live into Jesus’ final prayer for his disciples, “that they may all be one.” (John 17:21) Our unity undergirds the work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
From the Bishop: Graciously Moving Forward
Dear Friends, I confess my heart aches and grieves where we find ourselves. Our beloved church holds a diversity of opinions, and I understand that some sisters and brothers feel […]