Dear Friends:
We are ending a season where a great deal of energy, passion, and attention has been given to topics related to our connectional life in The United Methodist Church, as well as questions regarding disaffiliation. During this time, we have worked hard to ensure that we’ve kept Jesus at the center of our activities. This is especially important now as we enter the seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, where our attention should be on the Savior of the world.
While I understand that a few meetings are already scheduled, I am asking that we pause all new disaffiliation work, including church conferences and town halls, through January 6. This will allow churches to engage fully in Christ-centered welcoming mission and ministry during this season. It will also give our eight District Superintendents, four Administrative Assistants to the District Superintendents, and conference staff, who have worked tirelessly during the past few months, some well-deserved time to spend with their families and on physical, mental, and spiritual renewal.
Work on existing church disaffiliations, effective 12/31/22, will continue.
May the Light of the World guide us all to honor Him by the ways we worship, witness, and serve as His Church.
Grace and peace,