The United Methodist Church has a rich history of ministry and mission that spans the world. That history continues as wonderfully portrayed in the #BeUMC campaign and the countless ways The United Methodist Church serves the last, the lost, and the least.
God now calls The United Methodist Church into a new season of extraordinary work together in Jesus Christ. To launch into this season of life together, we must let go of our anxiety and the fear of what may look different. “Let’s hold firmly to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23) As we move into this newness, there will always be a place for all God’s children in The United Methodist Church.
I want to assure you that any church or pastor choosing to remain part of the continued mission of The United Methodist Church will not be required to vote on anything or make any kind of inquiry into disaffiliation. Just as we do now, each pastor and church can continue to practice ministry as they hear and follow the Spirit and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We cannot deny that some of our churches and pastors have already discerned a different path. I pray that we will not judge, disparage, or demean each other. “And let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24)
God, in Christ, is doing a new thing in us. What we are experiencing now is a necessary process that will ensure that disciples of Christ are being developed and living in the peace, love, and justice of Christ. I pray that spiritual discernment happens before pastors or churches take any action.
Below, you’ll find resources that will remind you of who and whose we are as United Methodists and give helpful information during this time.
Please be in prayerful discernment with your community of faith, seeking the way forward so that we all might focus more clearly and with great excitement on our mission and God’s calling on our lives.
In Christ,