“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, ‘Your God reigns.’” – Isaiah 52:7
There are some expressions of thanksgiving, gratitude, and appreciation where words are often inadequate. In this season of our lives together, I find this sentiment especially true when expressing appreciation to our pastors.
Although words may be inadequate, know that what flows from my heart to yours is a deep appreciation for each of you as clergy for being shepherds to God’s people. Such appreciation is necessary because you have led through the uncharted waters of a global pandemic, where your workload has increased greatly.
On top of increased pastoral care needs, you had to adjust your ministries to provide new online opportunities not offered before COVID-19.
We have been encouraged, and rightly so, to express our appreciation to essential workers. I believe we also owe a debt of gratitude to the faithful pastors of the North Carolina Conference who preach the gospel of the saving grace of God in season and out of season. Indeed, your work is truly essential as you have cared for souls, offering Christ as a light in the darkness.
With appreciation,
Bishop Leonard E. Fairley