As we move toward Pentecost, let us give witness to God’s work in our lives and give thanks for the Spirit that guides us and leads us and also for the gift of Bishop Leonard Fairley, who has been appointed our bishop beginning September 1.
They were gathered together in one place and suddenly there was a rush like a mighty wind and the Holy Spirit filled the room in which they gathered. They gathered there, people from diverse places having traveled from far away. They spoke many languages and yet as they gave witness to the glory of God they could understand one another. They went forth from that place with new courage and boldness to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. This, my friends, is what we celebrate on Sunday when we put on our red and yellow and orange. We wear the colors of fire as an invitation to the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit, rest upon us once more.
As we celebrate the festival on Sunday, we continue to pray with thanksgiving for the assignment of Bishop Leonard Fairley to the North Carolina Annual Conference effective September 1 of this year. We give thanks for the long friendship that many of us have with Bishop Fairley, for his deep faith, for the breadth of his understanding, for the way in which he constantly connects himself and those around him to the living God. We will pray for him without ceasing as he and his wife Dawn come to lead us very soon.
As we approach Pentecost, we hope and pray that we are in the waning days of pandemic impact in eastern North Carolina. Yet there are many among us who are yet unvaccinated. It is our call as Methodist Christians to protect all the people within the reach of the ministry of our church. It remains safest to meet outside in the beautiful early summer weather. Please consult the Conference web page for the newly updated information on safe gatherings in this season.
Come Holy Spirit, everflowing fire and light of God.