Special Offering
UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund (Advance #3022612)
About the Fund
Since the start of the novel coronavirus outbreak, Global Ministries has worked with partners around the world to respond to this humanitarian crisis. The Global Health unit and UMCOR have worked with health boards, medical professionals, disaster management coordinators, and faith leaders to prevent the spread of this disease. Grants have been awarded to provide clean water and medical equipment at health facilities and to address the economic challenges caused by the pandemic, such as food insecurity.
As the virus continues to spread, health facilities are working beyond capacity to treat those infected. Hospital beds are in short supply, equipment is inadequate and medical supplies are running out. The situation in some countries, like India and Brazil, is dire and the surge of spread is not expected to peak for weeks.
Grants from the UMCOR COVID-19 Response Fund will help strengthen the response of health care facilities, provide much needed medical supplies, increase access to clean water and hygiene facilities and address food insecurity and other economic challenges facing communities, particularly those in underdeveloped countries.
When you say “yes” to supporting the UMCOR COVID-19 Response, you will help bring God’s love to life to those in the middle of this unfolding health crisis.
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Give By Check
To give a gift by check, make your check payable to NC Conference, with “#3022612 – UMCOR COVID-19 Response” on the memo line, and send to:
Conference Treasurer-Raleigh Area
P.O. Box 890202
Charlotte, NC 28289-0202