The Conference Secretary’s Office is defined by the current edition of Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church and by action of the NC Annual Conference. These duties and responsibilities include: to edit, print, publish and distribute the Annual Conference Journal; The Annual Conference Directory, and all materials for the Pre-Conference Book; serve on the Annual Conference Program Committee; provide information for Annual Conference Registration, and coordinate same; provide needed information to Annual Conference Members at time of AC registration; keep alphabetical and chronological rolls of ministers, including records relating to their careers, their spouse and their children; to provide for required statistical information for general church agencies; serve as member of Archives and History Committee and assist with Annual Conference Archives and serve as custodian of historical artifacts as necessary; to compile and print the Memoirs and to assist in planning the Memorial Service; to assist in preparation of ordination credential and other documents; to receive and retain surrendered clergy credentials; to prepare and maintain updated information as it pertains to Annual Conference Planning, and make it available to the members of the Annual Conference in a timely manner; to perform other duties as stipulated by the Annual Conference from time to time.