We recognize and affirm the full humanity and personhood of all individuals with mental, physical, developmental, neurological, and psychological conditions or disabilities as full members of the family of God. We also affirm their rightful place in both the Church and society. We affirm the responsibility of the Church and society to be in ministry with children, youth, and adults with mental, physical, developmental, and/or psychological and neurological conditions or disabilities whose particular needs in the area of mobility, communication, intellectual comprehension, or personal relationships might make more challenging their participation or that of their families in the life of the Church and the community. We urge the Church and society to recognize and receive the gifts of persons with disabilities to enable them to be full participants in the community of faith. We call the Church and society to be sensitive to, and advocate for, programs of rehabilitation, services, employment, education, appropriate housing, and transportation. We call on the Church and society to protect the civil rights of persons with all types and kinds of disabilities.
The Social Principles of The United Methodist Church
Paragraph 162I, 2016 Book of Discipline
- Accessibility Audit
- Discipleship Ministries, Getting Started with Disability Ministries
- Discipleship Ministries, Welcoming Children with Disabilities
- NCCUMC Mental Health Resources
This video, although created in 2012, has some good information and ideas for your church to consider when inviting people with disabilities in your community.