MARCHA 2021 Online Event
MARCHA’s 50th Annual Meeting will be held as a virtual meeting November 19-20, 2021 under the theme ¡Más de Míl Voces/More Than a Thousand Voices! will lead us to a communal reflection and strategic work on ways to leverage the extraordinary power of God as Hispanic/Latinos. Acknowledging our weakness and vulnerabilities but rendering ourselves to the extraordinary power of God to serve our people as a movement that promotes respect of human rights as well as a commitment to peace, justice, liberty, and equality.
You can find more information and register, here.
MARCHA 50th Anniversary Special Appeal
Everyone one who raise their voice for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40, CBS) is MARCHA. Through your actions and statements, you have been part of this work. We invite you to make a special gift of $500 in support of the work of MARCHA in its 50 Anniversary. Half of the gift will be directed to the MARCHA Endowment Fund and the ½ of the gift will be directed to the operating budget of MARCHA. Contributions of any amount are welcomed.
You can mail your special gift of $500 via a check to celebrate the 50th anniversary of MARCHA to the MARCHA Treasurer where your offering will be received and acknowledged, as follows: MARCHA – 241 Circle View Drive, Franklin TN 37067
You can also make your special anniversary contribution online, here.
Become a Member of MARCHA
Much of the programs and resources that our Latino congregations enjoy today were developed as direct result of the work of advocacy of MARCHA. Many of the opportunities in education and employment that are now in place in the UMC for Latinos are also, in a large part, a result of the work of MARCHA across the years. Your membership is a bold witness to your support to the ministry of MARCHA – it also gives you voice and vote on our assemblies.
Become and/or renew your membership with MARCHA, here.
Visit to read about MARCHA’s vision and mission.