During Elon University’s fall break, students and faculty volunteered with the Wilmington Disaster Ministries Center to help repair homes damaged by Hurricane Florence.
Columbus County House Build
Hurricane Florence’s impact was felt well inland of its Wilmington landfall. The Waccamaw River, 70 miles from the coast, overran its banks and crested at well over 20 feet. Miss Ada’s home was one of the many homes damaged in Columbus County near the river.
As the waters receded and recovery efforts began, the decision was made to not rebuild Miss Ada’s home, but to build a new home on the property. The early stages of this project involved two of our Disaster Recovery Centers. The work on the site was being supervised by the staff at the Whiteville Center, while the walls for the home were built at the Washington Center.
After the ground was prepared and the foundation laid, the next phase of the work began. Disaster Ministries was joined by a team of volunteers from North Carolina Friends Disaster Service – the Quakers. Starting from the foundation and steel plate, the NC Friends team raised the interior and exterior walls and the roof trusses – all with manual labor!
As this new home comes together, we are grateful for all of the hands and feet that made it possible. We thank the teams at our Whiteville and Washington centers, our partners from the North Carolina Friends Disaster Service and Lowe’s Home Improvement, and all of the many volunteers who continue to help eastern North Carolina rebuild and recover. Want to join us? Email disaster@nccumc.org or call our call center at 888-440-9167.
Swansboro House Blessing (October 11, 2019)
October 11th was a day of celebration for the Swansboro Disaster Response Center. Friends, family, and volunteers gathered to celebrate Joan’s return home after a year of reconstruction due to Hurricane Florence.
Joan was grateful to all who helped her family regain a sense of normalcy after their lives were uprooted. Joan’s return home was not just a gift for her family, but also for the Disaster Ministries team. They cherished the relationships they built with Joan’s family during reconstruction.
Watch a video of the house blessing – the text of the house blessing is available below so you can follow along.
Opening Prayer (Stephanie Hunt, Site Manager)
Almighty God, to whose glory we celebrate the dedication of this family home. We praise you for the abundance you have given to those who live here and we pray that all who come through the doors of this place find generous hospitality, experiences the joy of family, and know the security of living in grace. Be with Joan and all who call this dwelling home, that each may count the blessings of this building, the love contained within, and recognize the gifts of your promises to be with them from this day and forevermore.
Sermon (Pastor Adam Barth, Swansboro United Methodist Church)
Dedication (Lisa Potts, Case Manager)
We have gathered as family of God to celebrate with thanksgiving the rebuilding of this home. As friends and family, we lift up Joan’s home to the glory of God. We are each aware of our need for a roof over our heads and walls around us to provide a place where the sacred love of family can be nurtured. We celebrate the lives of the volunteers who have made this home a safe and secure environment to live life to its fullest. As we celebrate how God has been present in the shaping of this space, let us consecrate this home as a place where the children of God will be loved, the Christian faith lived out, and the family will find sanctuary within its walls.
Lighting of the Candle (Jessica Hunt, Case Manager)
You are a light of the world. A town put on a hill may be seen by all as a burning light that is not put under a vessel, but on its table, so that it’s rays may be shining on all who are in the house. Even so, let your light be shining before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16
Hanging of the Cross (Alex Hunt, Construction Manager)
You are God and your words are true and you have said you will give your servant this good thing. So may it be your pleasure to give your blessing to this family so that it may go on forever before you and may your blessing be on your servant’s family life forever. 2 Samuel 7: 28-29
Blessing (Stephanie Hunt, Site Manager)
Wondrous God, you dwell on this earth among us and make yourself intimately known in the places we dwell. We ask you to bless this house and use it for your glory through the lives who make it their home.
Fill this building with your Holy Spirit. May it’s walls, it’s furnishings, it’s presence in the community declare your praise.
As we ask your blessing upon this house, we ask that it’s security and comfort for Joan and her family be recognized and show God’s loving kindness as a light upon a stand that leads others.
Accept the joy that comes from a place of their own, the peace that comes from within these walls, the confidence of a secure environment and the security of the love that brings you home.
May the needs found within this home bring forth dependence upon you Lord and may you attend to every uttered prayer, aloud or in secret, touching each heart that no prayer goes unanswered.
As people are greeted into this house, may they know what it means to be welcomed into your outstretched arms, embraced with a love that draws them even closer to you.
May this home find a new place of commitment to each other, a sense of peace and belonging, a comforting hope that replaces grief and loss and a sacred sense of worth.
May all who find themselves within these walls come to know a renewed and empowering awareness of your sheltering presence in this world.
Closing (Rev. Adam Barth, Swansboro UMC)
In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for you alone, o Lord, make me dwell safely. Psalm 4:8
The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you, the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Flood of Love Follow-Up
The “Flood of Love” event, held on September 13 at the Rocky Mount Event Center, was an event designed to share God’s love with the Rocky Mount and Twin Counties area while bringing awareness to the ongoing need for disaster response and recovery. “Flood of Love” was sponsored by First UMC in Rocky Mount.
Watch the “Flood of Love” Anniversary Video
Bob Goff, noted Christian author and speaker, was guest speaker for the event. Attendees heard Goff’s unique blend of scripture, stories from the Bible, and humorous anecdotes from his personal experiences. First UMC’s praise band helped get the evening started with music.
Organizers were also working to raise money for the Youth Storm Fund, an initiative spearheaded by the Conference Council on Youth Ministries and championed by Bishop Hope Morgan Ward. Offerings received via text and collection at the event totaled $3,826.00. That money will be given to the Youth Storm Fund, where it will be matched.
Rev. Jim Bell, lead pastor at First UMC, shared with the congregation that he was “pleased with the outstanding quality of the event” and that the church had “received feedback from many attendees to were encouraged, inspired, and challenged to love their neighbor.” Rev. Matt Seaton, associate pastor at First UMC, echoed that sentiment, stating that he felt that the event was “successful in that it moved us to grow in love with God and neighbor.”
Disaster Ministries is grateful to First UMC – Rocky Mount for their support of the community and the work of recovery in eastern North Carolina and beyond.
An Encouragement for October
Almost from the beginning of Methodism, women have found opportunities to lead and to exhort and eventually to preach. Although he did not initially endorse their preaching, John Wesley believed spreading the gospel often required exceptional practices, and he honored the gifts, call, and “holy boldness” of women, including Mary Bosanquet Fletcher, at least partly because of his mother Susanna’s example.
Read: In her journal, Mary wrote:
“… I am conscious how ridiculous I must appear in the eyes of many for so doing. Therefore, if some persons consider me an impudent woman, and represent me as such, I cannot blame them… Besides, I do nothing but what Mr. Wesley approves; and as to reproach thrown by some on me, what have I to do with it, but quietly go forward saying, I will be still more vile, if my Lord requires it.”
She also wrote:
“If I have a word to speak from [God], he will make my way. If not, the door will be shut. I am only to shew the meekness of wisdom, and leave all to God.“
Reflect: When have you been criticized for answering the call to ministry? How has God empowered you to “be still more vile” and to exercise “holy boldness?” Are you able to “leave all to God?”
Take Action: If you have not done so, examine the written record left by some of these “impudent” Methodist women. Consider keeping a journal to record your own experience as a woman in ministry. Encourage the girls and women where you serve by pointing towards these women whose bold witness are part of our Methodist DNA and share the stories of these extraordinary women of God.
In partnership,
Center for Leadership Excellence and the Commission on the Status and Role of Women
We are grateful to the Rev. Donna Fowler-Marchant for writing this month’s issue of Encouragements. If you are interested in contributing to a future issue of Encouragements, please email josey.snyder@nccumc.org.
Ocracoke: One Day
The three-hour car ride from Garner to Swan Quarter was only the beginning of our journey. Once there, we drove onto the ferry and settled in for the two hour and forty-minute ride across the Pamlico Sound to Ocracoke. Other than aircraft, traveling the Sound is the only way to get to the island of Ocracoke. That means that whatever relief coming to the island has to travel the same way.
Our ferry to Ocracoke: the MV Swan Quarter. Photos: Derek Leek
Since the storm came through, private boats have been helping to bring supplies and help get people back to the island but for most folks, the ferry is the only option. We shared the ferry, the MV Swan Quarter, with volunteers traveling to help, tractor-trailers carrying supplies, and island residents making their way back from the mainland.
We spoke with Captain David Rose of the MV Swan Quarter. Video: Chris Daniel and Derek Leek
In the aftermath of disaster, once it is deemed safe to enter areas damaged by storms, traveling to places in need is usually straightforward. But when the area in question lies across a large body of water, and a ferry is required to make the trip, and that ferry only travels at certain times of the day, it definitely makes a difference in how quickly volunteers can respond. It also impacts how those volunteers can get the things they need in order to begin the process of recovery and rebuilding. It’s not as simple as taking a quick trip to Lowe’s for supplies, or to Walmart for groceries. When you come to work, you bring everything you need with you.
When you arrive, the familiar salt breeze is cut through with another scent: the smell of a flood. Water that has come in, sat, and stayed too long, leaving behind wet, and decay, and damage. It is a smell that is all too familiar in coastal cities and towns throughout our state, and Ocracoke is certainly no stranger to it.
Scenes like this are repeated all over the island. Photos by Cullen Whitley (bottom tree photo) and Amanda Packer
Visible reminders of the storm are everywhere. Dorian’s water line is noticeable all over the island on homes and other structures, a reminder of how high and how fast the water came in. Even more shocking is how much higher the water was compared to other storms like Matthew.
And there is no way to miss the piles of debris left behind when the water receded. Furniture, books, and toys. Refrigerators, stoves, washers, and dryers. Fallen trees and damaged vehicles, victims of the power of wind and water.
More damage. In the bottom picture, the marker at the top of the steps is for Dorian’s waterline; the next marker down is for Matthew, almost two feet lower. Photos by Allan Smith from Lowe’s Home Improvement (top center and right), Amanda Packer (top left), and Derek Leek (bottom)
All of this – the time and distance required to reach the island, the logistics of getting supplies to the island, the debris that must be moved off the island in order to begin rebuilding – only serve to compound the challenges of recovering from Dorian. Conservative estimates place the level of damage across the island at 80%. Electric meters have been pulled from countless homes and businesses. Grocery stores, restaurants and places to stay are closed while owners make repairs, further impacting the ability of volunteers to come and work at full capacity.
Reverend Ivey Belch, from the Lifesaving Church, shared with us the need for volunteers.
Video: Chris Daniel and Amanda Packer
But there are signs of hope. An operations center was established at the fire station shortly after Dorian came through. As supplies began to arrive from the mainland, they were quickly organized and prepared for distribution.
The operations center (set up and run by volunteers) is up and running, thanks to Rev. Belch and others. Video: Chris Daniel
Volunteer relief organizations, like Disaster Ministries in partnership with UMCOR, Baptists on Mission, Samaritan’s Purse, and Christian Ministry, have divided the island into quadrants so that resources and volunteers can be best utilized and maximized. And everywhere you go, people are working, helping one another, as the long process of getting back to normal begins.
One of the first priorities for volunteer work teams is to get houses and debris clear so that rebuilding can begin. Video: Chris Daniel
Ocracoke UMC, one of the two churches on the island, suffered damage to several areas of its building. When we visit, flooring has been pulled up, the church’s organ and piano sit in the middle of office chairs and other furniture, and mixed in the debris pile out front are water-soaked hymnals and toys from the nursery.
Some of the damage from Ocracoke UMC, including the church’s hymnals and Bibles, and the chancel area. Photos: Rev. Cliff Harvell (left), Amanda Packer (center and right)
Inside the sanctuary, all the pews are pushed to one side, and the chancel area is stripped of furniture. If you didn’t see the outside and didn’t know that a hurricane had come through, you might think that the sanctuary was merely in the midst of renovations. But all of this work is being done in order to preserve the historic church and prevent damage down the road. Volunteers in masks and other protective gear work to remove water-damaged flooring and wallboards, preparing the way for other teams who will come to rebuild and make the sanctuary available for worshippers to gather.
We spoke with Gary Smith, Trustees chairperson at Ocracoke UMC, who shared with us what he found when he went to the church after Dorian came through. Video: Chris Daniel. Photos: Gary Smith, Jay Locklear, Ocracoke Current
Around the corner, at the parsonage, the scene is repeated. A large pile of debris from the house is occupying much of the front yard. Inside, it is obvious where the water has been and left its mark on the house. Floors and walls have already been stripped down to expose the structural elements underneath, and work has already begun to repair the damage.
Work has already begun on the parsonage, which had four feet of water inside in the midst of the storm. Photos: Derek Leek
The Rev. Susie Fitch-Slater, pastor at Ocracoke UMC, and her husband were in the parsonage when Dorian roared through. As the water invaded the house (eventually reaching four feet), they were forced to retreat to the attic. There they waited, either for the water to recede, or to make a call to be rescued.
The attic space where Rev. Fitch-Slater and her husband waited for the waters to recede.
Photo: Derek Leek
As the storm passed, the water did recede, but not before leaving its mark, literally and figuratively, on not just the parsonage and the church, but the entire community. Dorian’s high-water mark, upwards of 50 inches in most places, is evident all throughout the island. The debris left behind, now mingled with the early efforts of mucking out homes and businesses, is a fixture on every street. Everywhere you go, you are reminded of the strength of wind and water.
Much has been done, but so much remains to be done, as residents clean up and attempt to rebuild. Photos: Allan Smith (bottom right), Amanda Packer (top center and right, bottom left), and Jay Locklear (top left)
What happens next? Assessments are being done to determine what can be rebuilt. Basic services are being restored as debris is cleared. School will resume soon in various locations on the island as the school building is repaired. And a community is coming together in ways that are beautiful and generous.
Generosity is on full display all over the island, with residents and volunteers from all over coming together. Video: Chris Daniel. Photos: Rev. Cliff Harvell, Cullen Whitley, and Derek Leek
Life is getting back to a version of normal, different than before, as the island moves toward recovery. North Carolina Conference Disaster Ministries, along with partners and volunteers, is working to bring hope and healing to this community. We encourage you to continue to support our efforts by giving a financial donation, or by volunteering your time as part of a team.
It will take residents and volunteers working together to rebuild and recover from this latest storm. Photos: The Ocracoke Current (left), Amanda Packer (right)