It’s Yam Jam time again! The Society of St. Andrew (SoSA) is organizing 2023 Yam Jam to both reduce food waste and feed food insecure people by gleaning the North Carolina sweetpotato harvest! We expect to glean and distribute more than a million servings of sweetpotatoes this fall and share them with local hunger relief agencies to offer to their clients. Gleaning is the act of going in behind farmers and gathering what is left behind and then distributing that to organizations that will give it to those in need at no cost. This is a great opportunity for churches or church groups to serve together. We will be in fields in Johnston County every Saturday in October and you can sign up here:
Clergy Fun Day
Bishop Shelton invites clergy to a day of fun at Rockfish Camp & Retreat Center on October 12 at 10 am. Registration for Clergy Fun Day is extended to October 10.
Project Agape – Urgent Need
Because of a recent military action in Nagorno-Karabakh, thousands of ethnic Armenians are having to leave their homes. Many of these persons were clients who were helped by Project Agape over the years when there was a headquarters in Berdzor. Because of the connections that Nara Melknoyan (the Project Agape coordinator in Armenia) has made, quite a few refugees have already contacted her at the new headquarters in Vayk, Armenia.
Nara is visiting Churches in our area over the next couple of weeks (see the schedule below) and opportunities will be given at each location to make a love offering to help purchase bedding for persons who have been displaced. 100% of such offerings will go to this particular purpose.
In addition, the NC Conference Missions Team will be sending a container to Armenia with the Christmas boxes that have been given for children. We will find room for bedding which Churches want to donate during the month of October. There is a need for bedding for twin beds—including sheets, pillows and pillowcases, comforters, blankets, quilts, duvets, and the like. Twin bed mattresses can be given, but they would need to be in good shape. This push for bedding is time sensitive: all items will need to be at the MERCI Center in Goldsboro by November 1. Donations of bedding can be either taken to MERCI or at one of the other drop off points which are being set up in each District (your ALDS will be given that information next week).
Churches are hosting Nara Melkonyan and would love to have you at their event to learn more about the situation in Armenia and how Project Agape is responding. Here is the schedule for her public visits for October 2023:
October 1
Morning Worship at West End UMC at 10:00 am
October 2
Evening presentation at Haymount UMC at 7 pm in Fayetteville
October 3
Fuquay-Varina UMC Circle of Faith at 10:00 am
October 4
St. Luke UMC, Sanford at 6:45 pm
October 12
Horne Memorial UMC Circle Meeting at 9:30 am
October 13-14
NC Conference Annual Meeting of United Women of Faith
St. Luke, Sanford
October 15
Worship at Epworth UMC in Durham (9 am and 11 am)
October 16
West Nash UMC in Wilson at 7 pm
October 18
Project Agape Board Meeting at Mt. Pleasant UMC, Greensboro
October 21
Project Agape 30-Year Celebration at Mt. Pleasant UMC, Greensboro Registration Deadline: Oct. 5th
Register Now→
If there are specific questions that you have, please contact the Rev. Bill Haddock at 910.262.3831 or via email at
If you would like to donate to help purchase supplies to be sent, click here
Upcoming Grant, Scholarship & Loan Opportunities
The NC Conference recommends the following grants, scholarships, and loans available to United Methodist churches and ministry leaders in the North Carolina Conference. These programs are funded by the Conference or our partner organizations.
The funding opportunities listed here have application deadlines in the near future. Additional opportunities have deadlines coming up later in the year. View the complete list at Grants, Scholarships & Loans.
Upcoming Deadlines
Rural Church Grants
The Duke Endowment is committed to preserving the pivotal role churches play in rural communities. We support clergy and congregations — ensuring they have the tools to walk faithfully together — as they strengthen rural areas. We help United Methodist Churches make greater contributions that have lasting, positive impacts in their communities.
Applications Due 10/3/23. Learn more and apply now→
Mission Seed Funds
Mission Seed Funds are designed to facilitate and encourage United Methodist congregations of the NC Conference to engage in new ministry with people in their local communities who would not usually participate in the life of the church. Priority is given to new ministry initiatives that meet at least one of the five areas of emphasis of the NCCUMC: Healthy Congregations, Congregations for Children (C4C), Unity, Anti-racism, and Effective Leaders.
Applications Due 10/20/23. Learn more and apply now→
Mustard Seed Migration Grants
UMCOR will award grants of $2,000 USD to up to 100 United Methodist local churches to engage in new, one-time community-based service projects and ministries focused on migrants and refugees. We also encourage participating congregations to think about what they might do on a long-term basis, how they might get involved in advocacy to address systemic injustices present in immigration policy or consider how they might more completely live into a new understanding of church as the kingdom of God, actively engaged in caring for the most vulnerable in the community.
Applications Due 11/1/23. Learn more and apply now→
Clergy Loan Program
The Clergy Loan Program was created out of the desire to help clergy and their families to escape paralyzing debt that can have a negative effect not only on the individual and family but also on relationships within the church family. Our hope is that through participation in this program clergy will find new and healthy opportunities to be stewards of the financial blessings God has provided.
Applications Due 11/30/23. Learn more and apply now→
Partners in Health & Wholeness Mini-Grants
We are excited to partner with congregations across the state to engage our faith communities and their larger communities in living happier, healthier, more abundant lives. We have proudly done this for years through our PHW Collaborative Pledge and PHW Mini-Grant program. Congregations identifying as United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal, African Methodist Episcopal Zion, and Christian Methodist Episcopal are eligible for a mini-grant of up to $3,000 in any PHW Focus Area.
Applications Due 11/30/23. Learn more and apply now→
Child & Family Well-Being Grants
Child and Family Well-Being works through accredited organizations and other nonprofit groups in North Carolina and South Carolina. Target population: children, youth and families who have either experienced child abuse or neglect or those at imminent risk of experiencing child maltreatment. The Duke Endowment has introduced a new pre-application process for the Child and Family Well-Being program area. It consists of several questions, which will help confirm your eligibility and guide you to one of three areas of work: Support for Implementation of Tested Programs, Commit to Innovation or Advocate for Improvement.
Applications Due 12/15/23. Learn more and apply now→
Health Care Grants
In his Indenture of Trust, our founder focused Health Care funding to priority organizations in the Carolinas. Our funding priorities are Access to Care for Vulnerable Populations, Maternal and Infant Health, Mental Health, Oral Health, Population Health, and Workforce Development.
Applications Due 12/15/23. Learn more and apply now→
Peace with Justice
Is your church ready to step beyond charity and into solidarity and justice ministries? Peace with Justice grants are available to UMC churches and affiliated nonprofits. Funded by Peace with Justice Sunday offerings, these grants are possible because Methodists share their gifts generously and share the vision of justice ministries. The NCC Board of Church and Society reviews and awards these grants quarterly.
Applications Due 1/8/24. Learn more and apply now→
New or Emerging Young People’s Ministry Awards
The United Methodist Rural Advocates are now offering five $500 New or Emerging Young People’s Ministry Awards to United Methodist rural, or town and country churches within the United States. Interested persons are asked to submit an application that describes either a new or existing (started within the last 6 months), young people’s outreach program that seeks to benefit those in their communities and beyond.
Applications Due 1/10/24. Learn more and apply now→
Rolling Deadlines
The following opportunities accept applications throughout the year or on a rolling basis. Follow each link for more information.
Course of Study
The NC Conference provides reimbursement of registration costs for the Course of Study programs, including Basic and Advanced COS.
Continuing Education
Continuing Education funds are for clergy currently under appointment. Applicants must be a member of the North Carolina Annual Conference. Opportunities include Clinical Pastoral Education, Holy Land trips, and more.
Clergy Counseling
The Clergy Care Committee provides financial assistance to clergy families of the North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church who seek confidential counseling and therapy. Clergy Care funds are NOT to be used for career enhancement but are limited to personal growth and well-being. Clergy Care is financial assistance, $400 a year per family, for clergy.
Board of Mission Church Loans
The Board of Mission, Inc. is primarily a low-interest lending organization. Loan applications are considered on a cash-available basis. As funds are repaid, new loans are originated. At a given point in time, funds may or may not be available to make new loans. Loans are also considered on a missional basis. Churches receiving missional priority are those in low-income neighborhoods and those needing more space to engage in cross-cultural and cross-racial programs. Some matching grant funding is available to churches needing repairs or replacement of vital building components. These grants are only approved after consultation with our contractor.
UMVIM Missional Exchange Grants
Missional Exchange Grants are intended to encourage UMVIM initiatives by various groups. All team leaders from the North Carolina Conference must receive approval from the Conference UMVIM Committee. Team leader training by the Conference UMVIM Committee is required to qualify for this grant. Additionally, teams seeking this grant must register for insurance through UMVIM, SEJ.
Learn more and apply now→
UMVIM Scholarships for Individuals
NCC UMVIM offers scholarships to individuals from several different funds created over the years. The Isa Grant Scholarship Fund is designed to assist persons for whom the expense of participating in a mission team is prohibitive. Priority is given to youth 21 years of age and younger. The Amanda Lee Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Amanda Lee, the daughter of Rev. Jim & Sharon Lee. Priority is given to young adults (ages 18-29). The Jason K. Branton Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Jason K. Branton, the grandson of Virginia Wrenn.
Learn more and apply now→
Golden Cross
Golden Cross is a ministry that reaches out in love to the laity in our Annual Conference who are experiencing financial difficulty due to excessive medical expenses. Recipients must be active United Methodist members and be recommended for assistance by their pastor. For any questions or more information, email
One Who is Loved
United Methodist Foundation is a trustee of a special endowment called the “One Who Is Loved Fund.” This permanent endowment makes possible, love gifts to benefit children under the age of 18 who have special needs such as specialized medical equipment or supplies/medicine, transportation to hospitals or treatment centers, or other special needs. Pastors of the NC Conference are encouraged to recommend children for the fund.
Leadership Grant Assistance
Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century is a program designed to assist United Methodist churches with predominantly black congregations to become effective in mission and ministry. It does this by linking successful congregational resource centers with congregations that are in search of new ideas and revitalization.
Hispanic-Latinx Ministries
The NC Annual Conference offers funding to enable Pilgrimage participation by Hispanic/Latinx youth.
Retired/Medical Leave Clergy Grants
A retired pastor and their spouse can qualify for a one-time grant of up to $10,000 each or $20,000 total. They may reapply in subsequent years, especially if they have a chronic ongoing medical condition. Grants may also be given to pastors on medical leave and their spouses, or widows of pastors. Grants may also be given to retired pastors or pastors on medical leave that are legal custodians for their adult children that may have a medical issue from childhood. Grants may also be given to retired pastors or pastors on medical leave that are legal custodians for their grandchildren that may have a medical crisis or issue, regardless of age.
Farmer Fund Grant
Distressed clergy members or former clergy members of an annual conference; their spouses, former spouses, former surviving spouses; or surviving dependent children (including adult dependent children) are eligible to apply for a grant. The applicant is required to attach additional documentation pertaining to any unusual medical, legal, or other expenses which have created this one-time emergency situation. The maximum grant amount available from the Program is $3,000 per each individual approved application. Applications should be returned to
Local Church Marketing Services
United Methodist Communications offers marketing services and promotional grants to United Methodist congregations active in their communities and need support and guidance in reaching new people in new ways.
UMCOR Grants
UMCOR offers grants for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation, Relief, Recovery, and Migration. UMCOR’s core values of equality and justice, respect with dignity, and good stewardship are reflected in UMCOR’s grant-making priorities.
Multiethnic Ministries Grants
The General Board of Global Ministries accepts applications monthly for Asian American Language Ministry grants, Community Developers Program (CDP) Seed grants, Community Engagement grants – United Methodist Voluntary Service (UMVS), Native American Ministries grants, and Pacific Islander Ministry Plan grants.
Come to the Table
United Methodist churches in rural North Carolina can apply to receive funding to purchase food from a local farmer of color. Churches must use these funds to purchase food from a designated farmer of color to distribute to food-insecure community members. Because of RAFI-USA’s long-standing relationships with farmers, farmers markets, and faith communities throughout North Carolina, Come to the Table is uniquely situated to connect these groups in mutually beneficial relationships.
Learn more and apply now→
Communications Learning Week 2023: Communications That Transform
Join United Methodist Communications for Communications Learning Week, a virtual learning experience with workshops, Q&A sessions, and strategic resources designed by communication professionals, on October 16 – 20.
On October 19, the NC Conference Communications team will lead a workshop, “Rooted in Faith, Linked by Communications: Lessons from Rural Congregations,” featuring a panel of clergy and laypersons from diverse backgrounds.
Guided by a moderator, they will delve into the world of communications, sharing their collective wisdom and individual experiences. From the harmonious integration of tradition and technology to the delicate task of fostering connections, this workshop will provide insights into effective communication across rural landscapes.
Registration for Communications Learning Week closes on October 12.
Peay Appointed Conference Statistician Effective October 1
Bishop Connie Shelton is pleased to announce the appointment of Rev. Dennis Peay as Conference Statistician, effective October 1, 2023.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rev. George Speake for his dedicated service as Statistician for over 32 years. Peay will take over this vital role following Speake’s retirement on September 30, 2023. Additionally, Peay will continue serving Westminster United Methodist Church in Kinston.
In a spirit of continuity and transition, Speake has graciously agreed to assist Peay in navigating the disaffiliation tables and next year’s statistical tables in January, ensuring a smooth handover of responsibilities.
A quadrennial nomination for the Conference Statistician role will be presented at Annual Conference 2024 following the processes outlined in The Book of Discipline, paragraph 603.7.
We appreciate your support as we welcome Rev. Dennis Peay to this important role and express our gratitude to Rev. George Speake for his service to the Conference.
For further inquiries, please contact Christine Dodson at
Photo credits: Rev. Dennis Peay – Martha Peoples Photography, Rev. George Speake – Lifetouch