A webinar series is being offered to help prepare participants for the Annual Election period (November 1 – 16). All participants will benefit from these educational opportunities. Participants enrolled in the HSA health plans are especially encouraged to attend so they may learn about the changes to those plans for next year. Register today.
NC United Methodists Meet Virtually to Ratify Disaffiliations
GARNER, NC – Lay and clergy members from local United Methodist churches in eastern North Carolina met virtually on Saturday, October 7, for a Special Called Session of Annual Conference to ratify disaffiliation agreements of 18 churches. Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton, the episcopal leader, presided over the conference.
Dr. David Peele, North Carolina Conference Board of Trustees Chair, presented the motion:
“Therefore, in accordance with paragraphs 33 and 2529.1(b)(3) of The Book of Discipline and Judicial Council Decision 1379 which requires that ‘the disaffiliation agreement be ratified by a simple majority of the members of the annual conference present and voting,’ the Board of Trustees moves the ratification of the Disaffiliation Agreements of the churches named in the Addendum to the Board of Trustees report distributed online.”
The motion was approved by a majority vote of the members of the annual conference present and voting. Ratified disaffiliations are effective November 30, 2023, as long as the local church completes all parts of the disaffiliation agreement by that date.
“Let’s ever be reminded that disaffiliation does not remove churches from the ‘us’ where Christ will accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine,” said Bishop Shelton, reflecting on Ephesians 3.
Now 442 churches strong, the North Carolina Conference strives to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, focusing on healthy congregations, effective leaders, Congregations for Children, anti-racism, and unity.
Persons in churches that voted to disaffiliate who wish to remain United Methodist can move their membership to another United Methodist Church or to The United Methodist Collective of North Carolina, a hybrid missional faith community, until they find a new church home. Learn more about The United Methodist Collective and Lighthouse Congregations at nccumc.org/umcollective.
A complete list of churches ratified for disaffiliation in the October Special Session can be found in the Board of Trustees Report.
About the North Carolina Conference
The North Carolina Conference is one of 53 conferences of The United Methodist Church in the United States. It encompasses 56 counties in eastern North Carolina, from Elon to the coast and from the South Carolina border to the Virginia border. The conference strives to create healthy congregations and effective leaders in every place, making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Learn more about the NC Conference at nccumc.org/about.
Media Contact:
Derek Leek
Director of Communications
Change for a Change
Are you ready for an October challenge to support babies and their mothers in Sierra Leone, West Africa? Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital, an organization that was started in 2015 by the NC Conference of The United Methodist Church and the Sierra Leone Annual Conference along with members of Wrightsville United Methodist Church, hopes to raise awareness of the Rotifunk Hospital with the congregations in our Conference, starting with children’s Sunday School classes.
During the month of October, consider placing buckets throughout your church for the “Change for a Change” campaign. When dropping off your children at their classrooms, encourage them to contribute coins and bills to the buckets.
In the past 8 years, the improvements to the healthcare of mothers and babies, children and adults have been amazing. In addition, Mission of Hope has provided much-needed equipment. All of this has been accomplished through the support and prayers of folks who care about our neighbors around the world.
Bring out your buckets and help Mission of Hope: Rotifunk Hospital collect “Change for a Change!”
Last Month in the NC Conference: September 2023
We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of September.
NC Conference
- On September 14, the judge granted the motion to dismiss the case filed against the NC Conference of The United Methodist Church by former members of Fifth Avenue UMC over the closure of the church. The order was filed in New Hanover County on September 15. Read the full announcement.
- Bishop Connie Shelton announced the appointment of Rev. Dennis Peay as Conference Statistician, effective October 1, 2023. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Rev. George Speake for his dedicated service as Statistician for over 32 years.
- The Co-Chairspersons for the General Conference Host Committee shared an update on the volunteer sign-up form for General Conference.
Laity Ministries
- Lay Servant Ministries hosted events on “Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History)” and “Life Together in the UM Connection (Polity).”
Media Center
Office of Clergy Life
- The Executive Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry, Bishop Shelton, and The Cabinet met to build relationships, listen to one another, and more fully live into values of transparency and accountability. The group committed themselves to meeting regularly in order to further their efforts to call, equip, and sustain effective clergy leaders in the NC Conference.
Outreach Ministry
- Applications for 2024 Mission Seed Funds opened. The application deadline is October 20.
- The Creation Care Committee shared how churches can become involved with creation care through the Green Church Initiative.
- September was National Preparedness Month. Disaster Ministries shared ways you can prepare your home and church.
- Disaster Ministries hosted Early Response Team Training in the Fairway and Sound Districts.
- September was the Season of Creation, and the Creation Care Committee hosted several webinars throughout the month in observation.
Race Equity & Justice Ministries
- The first “Training 4 Trainers” program began for the Holistic Equity Anti-Racism Training (H.E.A.R.T.) Experience. Learn more about the H.E.A.R.T. Curriculum.
The UM Collective
- Members of Wesley Memorial UMC in Wilmington shared what it means to them for their church to be a Lighthouse Congregation. Watch now.
Treasurer’s Office
- The Treasurer’s Office hosted a discussion on local church property insurance renewals and trends impacting local churches in the property insurance industry.
- Alex Benefits Counselor was updated for 2024.
Youth Ministries
Conference Council on Youth Ministry’s September Meeting Recap
More than three dozen youth in representative leadership of the NC Conference, along with adult leaders, gathered for worship, communion, and business on September 16.
The youth worked on several things:
- The Youth Service Fund (YSF) Task Force agreed upon merchandise, which will be available for purchase at Pilgrimage and online.
- The Communications Committee worked on connecting and representing the voice of the youth. Follow Youth Ministries on Instagram and Facebook.
- The Resolutions Committee began working on resolutions for next year. All youth in the Conference are welcome to submit ideas for resolutions to youth@nccumc.org.
Other business to share:
- CCYM approved $75,000 for disaster relief.
- Pilgrimage registration is open. There will be a meeting to brainstorm fundraising ideas for Pilgrimage 2024 on Saturday afternoon of Pilgrimage 2023.
- CCYM representatives will be reaching out to local church pastors. Local pastors, be on the lookout for communications from the representatives.
At the end of the meeting, the youth had the opportunity to meet with the CCYM from the Western NC Conference, and the leadership invited each other to events.
After-School Program Grant Awards
Congregations for Children (C4C) is pleased to announce the recipients of its 2023-24 After-School Program Grants. These grants were awarded to NCCUMC churches that planned after-school literacy and tutorial programs for low-income children to remediate and reinforce literacy and other academic skills that “address the educational needs of low-income children who are struggling to avoid falling behind their more affluent peers.”
Five churches within our conference received a total of over $17,000 in supplemental funding for their programs. We congratulate them, and we look forward to reading about their experiences so that other churches might be inspired to implement or expand their own after-school programs in 2024.
Grant Recipients:
All God’s Children UMC (Beacon District)
Pleasant Grove UMC (Capital District)
White Plains UMC (Capital District)
Star UMC (Fairway District)
Harbor UMC (Harbor District)