On August 1 New Faith Communities church planters gathered for a Common Learning Day at the Conference Office to learn from specialists that serve on our conference staff. Bishop Connie Shelton welcomed everybody, and our newest NFC staff member, Hope Ledbetter-Bock led us in a devotion reminding us that like the conference team (and our favorite Olympians!), we all have unique or specialized gifts given to us by God (Eph 4:1-16).
This one-day event was designed to equip both our church planters and our new Empower & Inspire Cohort with administrative tools to lead a church or a new faith community in our conference. Many of our planters systems or statistics don’t necessarily fit into the boxes we have for established churches, so our planters got to learn how to troubleshoot nuances that they may run into from Charge Conference to Statistical Tables.
In the morning session Lou Jennings provided helpful tips and tricks for our planters that are preparing for Charge Conference, and she reminded everyone that the AADS team is always happy to help. Lou was followed by Douglas Ward who gave an in-depth look at the Online Data Collection System where everything from compensation data to charge conference and pastor reports is submitted. Derek Leek, our conference Communications Director, closed out the morning session by sharing resources and grants for Church Marketing, branding, and digital media.
Over lunch our planters got to share stories about the ways in which they see their own specialized gifts show up in their ministries. Over and over again, we got to hear stories about the unique gifts and passions of our planters and how those gifts truly shaped their new faith community. It was a beautiful reminder that no two planters are alike, and that each of our church planters brings their own unique gifts to their work.
In the afternoon, we got to hear from more conference specialists including Dennis Peay, our conference statistician, who highlighted a few key things planters need to know for statistical tables and apportionments. He was followed up by Ernesto Barriguete who shared about upcoming opportunities for planters to engage in the work of anti-racism including grants and programs designed to aid pastors and laity alike to engage in this work together. Beth Hood shared resources and financial support for clergy wellbeing including spiritual direction, mental health counseling, coaching, and locations for retreat and sabbath. Leah Wiebe-Smith followed her by sharing opportunities for continuing education through the Center for Leadership Excellence including many opportunities for lay certifications. Lastly, Amanda Packer and Ann Huffman shared about creative ways that Disaster Ministries and New Faith Communities can partner together to mitigate disasters and care for our communities well in the midst of disasters.
After a full day of learning and connection, Hope and Tim led us in a communion service sending us out to continue to live into the gifts that God has given each of us. Thank you so much to the conference staff team that were gracious hosts and presenters. We are so grateful for their reminder that we are not in this work alone!