We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of July.
NC Conference
- The new quarterly #BeUMC focus is Grounded in Scripture. View the quarterly focus document and more resources on our #BeUMC page.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- 65 clergy and laity attended a Safe Sanctuaries training to learn the basics and best practices for creating and implementing a policy in their congregation.
- 26 laity gathered in person and online in New Bern for the Lay Servant Ministries class, For the Common Good: Discovering and Using Our Spiritual Gifts.
- 20 laity gathered at the NC Conference building for the Day of Discovery to learn more about certified lay ministry in the NC Conference. If you are interested in joining the CLM 2023-2024 Candidate Training Program, it’s not too late! Email cle@nccumc.org for more information.
- Churches participating in IMPACT, a two-year rural church development program, gathered for their 5th session focused on Intentional Faith Development.
District Office
- Clergy Assessment Forms are now available in the Online Data Collection System. The deadline is November 30.
Media Center
Outreach Ministry
- On July 19, 2023, an EF3 tornado caused damage in Nash and Edgecombe Counties. Early Response Teams (ERT) and volunteers from across the NC Conference have been working in the area to help remove debris. Visit our Tornado Response page for more updates and how you can help.
UM Collective
- Members at Ann Street UMC discuss being a Lighthouse Congregation and welcoming people in their church and community.
Treasurer’s Office
- The 2024 apportionment calculation reports were delivered to pastors via email on July 12, 2023.