We’d like to keep everyone up-to-date about the happenings all across the NC Conference offices and committees, so we’ll be posting a roundup of all the major news at the end of every month.
Here’s an overview of NC Conference events and updates from the month of March.
NC Conference
- The Conference Health Ministry Team shared updates and resources on COVID-19, helping children cope with trauma and Medicaid expansion.
- Watch “Living Into God’s Future,” a series of interviews conducted at Jarvis Memorial UMC in Greenville, NC.
- Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton announced upcoming retirements and changes in the Episcopal office, effective July 1, 2023.
- As we look ahead to a time of transition across our connection, Bishop Shelton prays for God’s comfort, peace, joy, and hope to be upon you and your church.
- The NC Conference Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) met on March 21, 2023, to prepare proposals for the 2023 Annual Conference at the Greenville Convention Center in June.
- The NC Conference of The United Methodist Church announces the closure of Fifth Avenue UMC after over 170 years of faithful service to the community. This decision was reached after careful consideration and prayerful discernment and is due to declining membership and the local community’s clear, present, and pressing needs. The building will offer a place to birth new ministries and house current ministries needing a home to serve the growing population of downtown Wilmington. Read the full announcement.
- Read daily Lenten reflections.
Annual Conference
- Annual Conference 2023 will be at the Greenville Convention Center on June 15-17, 2023. Visit the AC 2023 website for more information.
- AC Kids, display table request, Special Meals, and ECU Housing registration opened.
Board of Laity
- The Board of Laity seeks committed and willing hearts to serve as At-Large Members for Annual Conference 2023. The nomination deadline is April 7, 2023.
Center for Leadership Excellence
- The Financial Discipleship committee and Center for Leadership Excellence hosted an interactive workshop designed to equip you for courageous conversations that cultivate generosity to benefit your church and community.
- Bishop Will Willimon hosted a webinar focusing on the laity’s role in building a hope-filled United Methodist future.
- Lisa Bachman hosted a course on “Leading Missional Small Groups.”
Christian Formation
- Clergy, laity, and youth nominations for the Harry Denman Awards opened. The nomination deadline closed on March 30.
Media Center
Office of Clergy Life
- Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton, Bishop Will Willimon, and clergy from across the NC Conference gathered for a Clergy Day Apart.
Outreach Ministry
- Disaster Ministries has equipment available for your church to use for mission projects. Learn more.
- Creation Care Committee announced Redeeming Creation 2023. The theme this year is Inspire.
- Watch “When the Lights Went Out” to hear how Disaster Ministries and local churches in the Moore County area helped the community recover following a power outage.
- Fayetteville JFON is now the NC Immigration Law & Justice Center.
- Registration for the Congregation for Children and United Women in Faith event, “Our Faith, Our Children, Our Public Schools,” opened. The deadline to register is April 9.
Race Equity & Justice Ministries
- Read a recap of Crossroads 2023: “A Glimpse of God’s Kingdom on Earth.”
Treasurer’s Office
- The 2022 Annual Audit Report opened on the Conference’s Online Data Collection System. The report is due from all churches no later than August 1, 2023.
Youth Ministries
- The Pilgrimage 2023 website launched.
- The Conference Committee on Youth Ministries (CCYM) shared an update.
- High school youth gathered at Camp Rockfish for Global Vision.