God of all creation, thank you for the many gifts of life. We praise you Lord, for your church and how it invites us to boldly share in the many gifts, opportunities, and graces, offered to us in the service of others. We are amazed by your glorious and generous nature. You are loving, kind, faithful, forgiving, and blessing your people. Bless your holy name!
Scripture tells us that you created everything and when our love fails us, your love remains steadfast. We are not the people we could and should be. But our faith is that you have redeemed your creation by sending your son, a savior, to fulfill every promise of God. Your love prevails.
Be with your world; we acknowledge our utter dependence upon your grace. We serve others by bringing healing to your creation, hope to all people, and light in darkness. By your grace, we pray, Amen!
Written by Rev. Mattheue Locklear. Used with permission.