Dear Lord, we come to You in need of a renewed commitment of our love for You and our neighbor. Lord, I confess that I have often chosen my passions over You in the middle of a polarized world. I have often stayed silent and neutral amid injustice and oppression. I have been bound to anxiety, not trusting that my life, the church, our community, and the world are in Your hands. We confess that as the body of Christ, many times, we have chosen apathy over Your love. Today, we ask You to help us be committed to our Christian teachings. Please help us be committed to giving the good news of salvation, work for social justice, and be agents of racial healing. Help us, oh Lord, to be committed to one other, as we claim to be committed to You. In the name over all names, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Written by Rev. Ernesto Barriguete. Used with permission.