UPDATE: Link to watch the special session: www.sejumc.org
Jurisdictional Conference session
July 21, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern (9:00 a.m. Central) time.
The call for a Special Session issued by Bishop Lawson Bryan on May 26, 2021, stated the following agenda:
In accordance with ¶521.4 of The Book of Discipline, the special session of the Jurisdictional Conference shall be limited to the following agenda items:
- Vote to authorize the formation of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference of The United Methodist Church
- Receive a report from the Southeastern Jurisdiction on the pandemic response in the jurisdiction and the work of antiracism across the jurisdiction and the work of the jurisdiction moving forward into the next 18 months
We will begin and end our time together in worship.
We will be voting to unite the Tennessee and Memphis Conferences to form the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference. The resolution on which we will vote can be found here. Important information about the uniting of these two conferences may be found on the web site at www.twkumc.org. The “About” drop-down menu houses answers to questions you may have; also, you will find many articles and updates related to the uniting at https://twkumc.org/articles-about-our-new-conference/.
STATEMENT from SEJ Committee on Episcopacy Regarding Episcopal Assignments
You can find a statement from the Southeastern Jurisdictional Committee on Episcopacy here.