Capital District Lighthouse Churches

Knightdale UMC
Rev. Patrick Murphy
At KUMC we take the commandment to “love thy neighbor” seriously and we are engaged in many activities within the community to support those with whom we work and live. Our goal is to take the light of Jesus’ love into the dark and hopeless corners of our neighborhoods to offer support, comfort, and sometimes just a listening ear.

White Plains UMC
Rev. Kelly Logue
White Plains United Methodist Church is a Disciple-making Church on Mission for Christ. Our vision is to be the Eyes and Ears, Heart and Hands, Word and Witness of Christ’s Love in the World for the Glory of God.

St. Luke UMC, Goldsboro
Rev. Karl Grant
The mission of St. Luke UMC is to serve God with our hearts, hands, and feet in our community and beyond.

Winstead UMC, Wilson County
Rev. Rachel Price Kwashe
The mission of Winstead UMC is to strengthen children and families so that ALL May Know God Better!

Elizabeth UMC, Smithfield
Rev. Kristina Yeatts
Elizabeth United Methodist Church is truly a place for ALL people.

Open Table UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Sarah Majors
Open Table UMC is a progressive, inclusive, affirming, and diverse church that hopes to bridge the divides of our culture in order to love and include everyone. We believe that God is love and the church should reflect this unconditional love to all people – just as Jesus did.

Millbrook UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Christi Dye
At Millbrook United Methodist Church, we believe our faith as followers of Jesus Christ is rooted in scripture and is expressed through our worship life and the many ways we serve our community. We bind together our love of God with our love for our neighbors. Hence, our beliefs are beautifully embodied in who we seek to be as a faith community.

Highland UMC, Raleigh
Rev. John Tyson
Highland is a United Methodist faith community following Jesus and serving our community in the Raleigh, NC, area. We recognize that as children of God all people are of sacred worth. Because Christ has opened the church to all people, we fully welcome, accept, and affirm each and every person into full fellowship.

Benson Memorial UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Alan Felton
Benson Memorial welcomes everyone. Whether you are looking for a new church home or simply trying to find a place to worship on an upcoming Sunday, please know we would love to see you. Come as you are.

Salem UMC, Goldsboro
Rev. Becky Bradley
Salem United Methodist Church exists to follow the example of Jesus Christ, to help seekers of Christ expenience God’s grace and to serve the needs of the community.

Princeton UMC
Rev. Clay Parker
The mission of Princeton United Methodist Church is to worship and serve God by loving all, encouraging deeper Godly relationships, and equipping the saints to serve God throughout our community and the world.

West Nash UMC, Wilson
Rev. Heather Herrin Wong
Come join us as we all journey together in seeking God, loving one another, and striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world around us. At West Nash UMC, our Mission is to make followers of Jesus Christ who: experience God’s grace, love one another, and serve the community and world.

Fairmont UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Christina Turner
The mission of Fairmont UMC is to love God, worship joyfully, advocate peace and social justice, embrace diversity, and serve with Christ-like compassion. Fairmont embraces the diversity of God’s children and welcomes all into the full life and ministry of our congregation, regardless of race, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity.

St. Mark’s UMC, Raleigh
Rev. LuAnn Charlton
St. Mark’s UMC is made up of down-to-earth people who sincerely desire to listen for God’s voice and live out the gospel of Jesus Christ in authentic ways. Together we are creating an atmosphere of welcome, trust, vulnerability, and hope. People are encouraged to show up as they are, and while we grow toward greater wholeness and unity, God moves in us to enable us to reach beyond the walls of our church to offer love.

North Raleigh UMC
Rev. Duke Lackey
At NRUMC, you will find a warm and welcoming church that will open their hearts, minds, and doors to you! Even though we are a larger church, the environment you will find is more reflective of smaller, closer-knit worship communities. We would love to have you visit, join in worship, and see for yourself! We look forward to meeting you!

Divine Street UMC, Dunn
Rev. Jacob Dye
Divine Street UMC is a Christ-centered community of faith. We hope to be welcoming and provide loving ways for you to enter into the life of our family as we work to give witness to the life-changing reality of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Soapstone UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Mitzi Johnson
Soapstone UMC focuses on reflecting Christ’s love by caring for the spiritual, emotional, and material health of people in our community and throughout the world.

Edenton Street UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Greg Moore
As followers of Jesus at Edenton Street we want to grow and deepen as disciples by knowing, loving, and serving God with our head, our heart, and our hands. We invite you to engage in regular shared rhythms and practices, so that our lives can be patterned to be more and more like Christ’s life.

St. James, Raleigh
Rev. Amanda Bunce
St. James UMC invites you to come and worship at 9:15 or 11:00am services. We are “One God, One Church, Many Missions”.

Christ the King Church, Clayton
Rev. Matt Evans
No matter what you are wearing, who you voted for, or which type of barbecue you prefer, you are invited to Christ the King.

Westwood UMC, Goldsboro
Rev. Clay Parker
Westwood welcomes all to come as you are and experience God’s love and grace.

Avent Ferry UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Steven McNeal
Avent Ferry UMC, is Growing in love of God, neighbor, and self as we worship passionately, invite lovingly, nurture faithfully, and serve joyfully. We are a Reconciling United Methodist Church and a Reconciling Community as a part of Reconciling Ministries Network.

Fremont UMC, Fremont
Rev. Ben VanStaalduinen
Fremont is a United Methodist congregation. As United Methodists, we are called to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:19) We strive to create a space for the vibrant transformation of humble souls to serve Christ. As we have each been created by God to be individuals, we recognize we do not agree with each other on every topic, but we love each other anyway and covenant to walk with each other on our Christian journey as a supportive church family.

Hayes Barton UMC, Raleigh
Rev. David Beam
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church is a vibrant and connected faith community that strives to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, continuously growing in our relationship with God and our understanding of God’s word, and confidently reaching out in mission to our community and our world.

Jenkins Memorial, Raleigh
Rev. Linda Harris
Welcome, we are glad you are interested in visiting Jenkins Memorial. You are warmly invited to come and worship with us and experience God’s grace through our time together. We recognize that people look for God in many ways. Whether you visit in person or online, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey. Here is more info about United Methodist beliefs and if you are new to The United Methodist Church, here is a great place to get to know us.

Pleasant Grove UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Jay Minnick
We exist to be the Body of Christ in the World! At Pleasant Grove UMC we strive to be the body of Christ who welcomes all. Following Jesus’ example, we celebrate the sacred worth and dignity of all persons.

Garner UMC,
Rev. Joseph Casteel
Garner United Methodist Church lives by following what Jesus Commanded us to do; love God, love others, and make disciples.

Westover UMC, Raleigh
Rev. Damion Quaye
Westover UMC’s vision statement, “walk in the world for Christ,” expresses our desire to be a church on the way for a people on the way to deeper life in Christ.