He sells men’s suits and lives down the road from the church. He felt a stirring, not understanding it was the Holy Spirit and came through the doors of Aldersgate UMC. Despite the difficulties he has known that can mark a life, as the hymns (he didn’t know) were sung, the unfamiliar scriptures were read, and the word proclaimed something stirred.
The story of Lazarus and the rich man dressed in purple and fine linen was explored. He felt the scripture come alive as he has sold many fine linen suits while just outside the shop would be neighbors in need. That day he heard Jesus is the one raised from the dead, spreading his arms of mercy over the whole world, saying, “Father forgive them they don’t know what they are doing.” He was having his own Aldersgate experience encountering God’s justifying grace. He knew at that moment he was forgiven and loved by God.
Now he wants to share his story. Maybe he is on to something. When Aldersgate UMC began 68 years ago, Rev. Dr. Henry Glass and others did the work of connecting people one by one and telling neighbors around the north side of Durham, NC. As we began our 68th year since the Garber era that gave rise to Aldersgate UMC, our Church Council just decided that for 2023 we will refocus our attention on loving our neighbor. Our hope is to rekindle that one-to-one connecting, knowing, and loving of others that our neighbors will all have an Aldersgate experience.
Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found him…” (John 1:45)
God of Welcome, during this season of Lent, awaken us afresh to your grace that draws us in and unites us with Christ and each other. By the power of your Holy Spirit give us courage to cross boundaries to connect, know, and love our neighbors that all would grow in grace as you strangely warm our hearts. Amen.
Rev. Steve Murphy serves as the pastor of Aldersgate UMC in Durham, NC.
Our theme for this year’s Lenten reflections is Graceful Hospitality. 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the Ten Dollar Club, now known as the New Room Society. We give thanks for our Conference’s ongoing commitment to co-creating new places for new people to gather in communion with Jesus Christ and extending graceful hospitality to all of God’s children.