Decision making has taken on a profound significance as we find ourselves seeking the Lord’s guidance concerning important decisions we are confronted with in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, racial division, and political unrest. We may have to consider some decisions that might involve very controversial issues, such as: Should I wear a mask when I am in public? Should I enjoy a meal inside of a restaurant? When is the right time for our church to open for indoor worship? Should I support the re-opening of schools? When should I take the Covid-19 vaccine? How can I learn to recognize and eradicate my own stereotypical or biased thoughts and actions? How can I express love to my neighbor of a different race? How can I express love to my LGBTQIA neighbor? How can I express love to my neighbor who has different political views?
What a blessing and comfort it is to know that the Lord will guide us continually. During this season of Lent, as we focus on spiritual renewal and self-examination, let us look to the Lord to continually guide our decisions to “do no harm” through our words or actions.
We have made it through a tumultuous year where it may have felt like we were in a parched place overwhelmed by sickness and death, social isolation, economic devastation, racial division, political unrest, and more. But the Lord has brought us through! The Lord is faithful and will continue to pour out the ever-flowing waters of hope and blessing upon us to strengthen us and refresh our weary souls!
Almighty God, we thank you for your continued loving care and guidance. Help us to remain faithful in seeking and following your guidance for decisions in every area of our
lives. Amen!
Rev. Donna Thompson is the pastor of John Wesley UMC in Fayetteville