I’ve had plenty of time to grow closer to God during the pandemic, yet I still find myself in a spiritual drought. As I approach this Lenten season, I am thankful that God satisfies my soul despite the drought. Today my soul is content. But “How is it with your soul?”
One of the questions my RIOM group leader would ask each session is, “How is it with your soul?” We know that John Wesley would open up his small group meetings with this same question. It truly is a more profound question than we care to answer. Think about what you are doing to bring your soul closer to God. What are some things that are hindering your walk with God to trouble your soul?
Let’s be honest; we do things that are not helpful to the soul. The question also forces us to ask, “Am I confusing routine with commitment?”
For many of us, the year 2020 drastically changed our routine, and we possibly recognized that these routines we took for granted affected our souls. However, in this new year, I discovered that my soul is content because I have seen God in life’s ordinary things. It is also content because of these words I find in Isaiah 58:11, “[God] giving you water when you are dry.” Even in a spiritual drought, God is providing my spiritual nourishment daily.
God is that good Shepherd leading me beside still waters to supply my need for refreshment. When I allow God to guide me, I know that I will be content. God knows what will restore our souls in the wilderness. Maybe you could benefit from asking yourself, “How is it with my soul?” and then reflecting on it silently in the morning.
Great Shepherd, continue to lead us by the still waters and the greener pastures to nourish our souls. Amen.
Rev. Trey Harris is the pastor of St. Paul’s UMC in Burlington