When I was a teenager, there was a popular game called blind man’s bluff. The game consisted of one person who was blindfolded and then disoriented. The other players had to call out to the “blind man” and dodge away from him. The player that the blind man touched took on the blindfold. I was not too fond of the game. I was terrified when I had to be the blindfolded player. The idea of wandering in the darkness without a guide paralyzed me.
Years passed, life happened, and many times I felt I was still playing the blind man’s bluff game, walking in the darkness, disoriented, fearful and drained. One day I bumped into a Christian friend. After reflecting on our lives, she advised me to pray more often. I committed to doing it every night and morning. As I started to experience grace and comfort, I felt I wanted to be closer to God; that subtle change in my routine changed my life.
I now know that the road ahead is uncertain. It might get dark and bumpy, but I am not blindfolded anymore. I walk with God, and he has been guiding me continually. He restores my soul when I grow weary, he nurtures my spirit, and I walk with the certainty he is leading me where I need to be.
For a long time, I overlooked God’s signs and dodged away from him in fear. The good news is that we are all held securely in his hand. In him, we are revived and satisfied.
Lord, Thank you for leading us at all times. I pray that your grace keeps on pouring refreshing waters to our souls, and we can bloom as a living testimony of your love and glory. Amen.
Marisol Hernández is a member of UMC Greater Heights en Español