One cold, cloudy winter morning, I was out “prayer” walking. As I journeyed through my small town, I lifted prayers for the households and businesses I passed. I thought that this day looked like how I felt, for I was quite dreary and forlorn at the time. The land was dry because of a lack of rain, and I felt parched too because I was dealing with life’s disappointments. Some of the people I passed had desolate looks on their faces as if they also needed a spring of water. At that moment, I remembered my mission to pray as I walked, and I forgot about my cares and became more focused on praying for others and extending kind “Good mornings!” that lifted their spirits and mine, as well.
When I returned home, I was met with the most amazing sight; for there by my garage door was a rose bush that had one small, early but beautiful bloom in the midst of the cold. I did not recall it being there when I left home, and I knew that at that moment, God was reminding me that He had already “watered my garden,” and in Him, my springtime would never end, regardless of any circumstances. Here Isaiah reminds the people that in spite of their situation, our God is a source of living water, and He had not forgotten about them. That same sentiment was given to me in the sight of that beautiful rose, and somehow, a gloomy day became radiant, although the clouds were still above. What an upbeat spring this realization put in my next steps as I walked into my home with a smile of thanksgiving on my face.
Dear Lord, please remind us every day that the Holy Spirit is our “living water” that constantly springs forth, giving us hope in the best and the worst of times. Help us to be ever-mindful to share this realization with others and help them to recognize the “roses” in their lives and that a God of grace keeps them blooming, regardless of the season. Amen.
Rev. Gypsie Murdaugh is the pastor of the St. George-Piney Grove charge in Maxton