Blessed are we the Children of God that we are continuously guided by a God who loves us so dearly. We are all called daily to be thankful to God for all that we have in our lives. In the words of our savior Jesus in Matthew 6, “if the birds do not worry about what to eat and the flowers do not worry about what to wear how much more would God our provider take care of us.”
Because God is for us we know that even death is not the end for us. We are reborn and made new through the grace and love of our Lord. As we dedicate our lives and time to God during Lent, let us remember that at the center of our dedication is love. Go forth and dedicate your life to God in love, show your neighbor who God is through your love, and lead in your communities with thoughtful prayer and Christ-like example.
When we ask God to go ahead of our journey there is nothing that we cannot accomplish. God has not stopped moving in this world; God continues to help us grow. Let the Lord continue to pour living water that will make your bones strong and quench your thirst. God never fails; trust that the Lord is with you!
Creator God, giver of life and provider of the love that sustains our souls, grant us wisdom and strength to do all things in your name. Lord bless us now to do the work we are called to do. Remind us of your grace which strengthens us. In your name, Lord, we pray, Amen.
Kuda Kagura is a second-year Master of Divinity student at Duke Divinity School and the youth leader at Friendship UMC