![“The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.“ - Isaiah 58:11](https://old.nccumc.org/lent2021/files/2021/02/ncc-lent21-verse-1024x576.jpg)
Some of my fondest memories in life center around water! As a child, I was always so excited when we had the opportunity to stay at a hotel that had a swimming pool. With my dad being 6’ 5”, I always felt so safe in the pool with him because he was always taller than the deepest part of the pool and I knew that I was always safely within his reach. He would play with me in the pool until my fingers shriveled up! As a parent, I enjoyed volunteering at my children’s school for field day and helping with the water balloon station. It was always such fun to watch the kids toss the water balloon back and forth and watch them get soaked when the balloon burst on those hot days. As an adult, my “happy place” is sitting by the ocean watching the waves crash on the shore and watching the beautiful colors that are created above the water when the sun rises and sets!
Although there are many ways we enjoy water, the truth is, we cannot exist without water. Our bodies are about two-thirds water. God created water early in the story of creation found in Genesis because of its importance to all life. Water sustains our life, but water also revives and cleanses us in so many ways.
God knew that we needed more than flowing water to satisfy our thirst in life so He sent his only Son and His Spirit to be the source of our living water and I believe He expects us to be that same “living water” to others who are in need.
I look back over my life and I can see so many instances where God has placed individuals in my life, at just the right moment, with a hug, an encouraging word, a prayer, a smile, or a helping hand. I have felt the gift of Jesus and the Holy Spirit’s living water flowing over me through other individuals who have taken the time to encourage and care for me.
Challenge yourself, during this season of Lent, to be God’s hands and feet in this world and share your love and God-given gifts and talents with others so that you may be the living water that will not run dry.
Dear God, I thank you for refreshing our souls every day and I am eternally grateful that you sent Jesus and Your Spirit to dwell with and in us as our sustaining, reviving, and cleansing living water. Make me thirsty to share Your love with those You send my way and give me eyes to see the needs of all your children. Amen.
Lou Jennings is the Director of District Administration for the North Carolina Conference