Asbury UMC (Sanford) would like to extend an invitation to you and your church family to a weekend of Worship. We will kick off the weekend on Friday, September 13th at 7pm with special music and a message provided by Bishop Connie Shelton herself. On Saturday, September 14th @ 7pm the Bishop’s husband, Dr. Joseph […]
Join Rev. Dr. Ken Sloane, Director of Stewardship at Discipleship Ministries, on September 17 as he shares ideas on how your church might end the year strong! Learn More and Register Now→
Monthly Meeting - All are welcome.
How do we integrate great losses into our bigger story? Into God’s bigger story? Grief and loss are the “stuff of life,” especially in these post-pandemic and chaotic days. How do you offer comfort and caring to those who have experienced a significant loss in their life? How do you meet people where they are […]
Rest, reflect, and renew your spirit in creation. Retreat days are guided by Rev. Stephanie Campbell of Creation Ministries at Dinner Bell Farm. The day will be ordered around prayer and poetry, soil and sacrament, silence and community, table, and creation. You will be welcomed to gently experience the gifts of creation across this forty-acre […]
In light of disaffiliation and a changing landscape in The United Methodist Church, our Lighthouse Congregations have stepped up to pave the way for hospitality focused ministry, and finding Fresh Expressions that speak to the needs of our communities. On September 28th, our Lighthouse Congregations (Pastors AND Laity) are encouraged and invited to attend a gathering […]
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