Connecting to Creation

Harrison UMC 15008 Lancaster Highway, Pineville, North Carolina

Bend Toward Justice

Wake Forest UMC Family Life Center 905 S. Main Street, Wake Forest, North Carolina, United States

Steps toward Beloved Community through a learning conversation on race and the church.Martin Luther King Jr. said the arc of the moral universe is long and it bends toward justice. If that’s true, then sometimes it’s helpful and necessary to survey the landscape to see where we are now as United Methodist Churches so we […]

Leadership and Church Administration: Summertime

“Summertime and the living is easy” Clara sings to open Porgy and Bess. For many of our members, it may seem that way. But for clergy, summertime can be a mixed bag of low attendance, a drop off in participation, and decreased giving (unless one is serving a coastal appointment when summer can be your busiest time of the year). How does one make the most of summer days in preaching, planning, and programming? How does one keep a congregation engaged? Join us for this conversation.


Ash Wednesday Joint Worship Service at First UMC, Elizabeth City

First UMC – Elizabeth City 201 S. Road St., Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United States

The Albemarle Area Methodist Coalition, a collaboration of AME Zion and UMC clergy, will hold a combined worship service on Ash Wednesday (March 5) beginning at 7:00 pm in the First UMC Sanctuary located in Elizabeth City, NC. Bishop Connie Mitchell Shelton (NC Conference) and Bishop W. Darin Moore (AME Zion, Eastern District) are presiding.

Sabbath on the Farm 2025

Dinner Bell Farm 7565 Snow Camp Road, Snow Camp, North Carolina

Rest, reflect, and renew your spirit in creation. Invite a friend or your covenant group, or come for a private day of Sabbath on our 40-acre regenerative farm. You choose how to order your day in Creation. You choose which Friday(s), full day from 9 am - 4 pm or partial day. Dinner Bell Farm […]


Confirmation Retreat 2025

Don Lee Camp & Retreat Center 315 Camp Don Lee Rd, Arapahoe, North Carolina

Camp Don Lee will host its annual Confirmation Retreat on the weekend of March 7th - 8th. Bring your confirmation group to Camp Don Lee as we explore Confirmation as an important step in the journey of faith. Confirmands will be led through a retreat that will serve as an opportunity to delve deeper into […]

Public Prayer


The Harbor district LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all UMC laity. Anyone who is called upon to lead public prayer may feel anxious and possibly inadequate for such a task. This course offers help for novices as well as veteran leaders of prayer as they create and deliver appropriate prayers in public settings.


Come to the Table’s Food & Retreat

Rockfish Camp and Retreat Center 226 Camp Rockfish Rd, Parkton, North Carolina

Come to the Table is excited to announce the launch of our Food & Retreats for 2025, a two-day experience designed to deepen participants' collective understanding of food insecurity and its root causes. Registration for our first retreat is now open! Join us at Camp Rockfish (Parkton, NC) on March 12 - 13 to engage […]


Seguridad en eventos públicos

Es un corto entrenamiento para dar pautas en la formación e implementación de medidas de seguridad que ayuden a proteger a la comunidad migrante antes, durante y después de eventos públicos. Con las redadas masivas de la administración federal es importante tener en cuenta ciertas medidas de seguridad en la preparación del servicio dominical, estudios […]


Effective Grassroots Advocacy: Developing Your Toolbox

Are you looking for a way to start your advocacy efforts? Are you stuck determining the best way to use your time and voice? Whether your focus is creation care, healthcare, or refugee rights, join this workshop to begin equipping yourself with strategies and tools.


Called to Preach

Hertford UMC 200 Dobbs Street, Hertford, North Carolina

The Beacon District LSM team is pleased to present this course, open to all laity. In addition, it meets the preaching requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers. This course also counts as an “advanced course” for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.
