Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course


This Zoom course is open to all laity. The Beacon district is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and Living Our United Methodist Beliefs(UM History) the following week. Anyone who completes both courses will have all the needed coursework to become a certified lay servant.


Early Response Team Training

Wesley Campus Ministry, UNC Chapel Hill 201 E. Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The Art of Neighboring

NC Conference Building, Dixon Chapel 700 Waterfield Ridge Place, Garner, NC

What if Jesus meant that we should love our actual neighbors? This is a question posed in the book The Art of Neighboring and it’s a question that every Christian needs to wrestle with. Neighborhoods are much more than a collection of houses, or apartments, brick and mortar… they are a collection of people and potential life-giving relationships. We all have a need for genuine community, and nothing beats the frequency, availability, and spontaneity of connecting with others who live near us.


Gathering with the Spirit Retreat

Rockfish Camp and Retreat Center 226 Camp Rockfish Rd, Parkton, North Carolina

Following the "Gathering with the Spirit" webinar hosted by the Center for Leadership Excellence on January 28, 2025, with Daniel Castelo, the Gateway District invites you to a deeper exploration of the Holy Spirit in Scripture, theology, and personal spiritual practice.Daniel Castelo will lead this retreat at Camp Rockfish in Parkton, beginning on Thursday, February […]

Beacon and Sound District Youth Beach Retreat

Ramada Inn - Kill Devil Hills, NC 1701 South Virginia Dare Trail, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, United States

On Friday, February 21, at 6:00 pm, we will begin the weekend retreat for the Beacon and Sound Youth. There will be guest speakers, music, fellowship, indoor swimming, and time with Jesus! The weekend will wrap up on Sunday, February 23, around 11 am with a worship and communion service.


Living Our United Methodist Beliefs (UM History)


The Beacon District is offering a discount to anyone who registers for both this course and the basic course offered the prior week. This Zoom course is open to all laity. In addition, it meets the UM History requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers or certified lay ministers. This course also counts as an “advanced course” for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Restoring Community, Restoring People – Open to All!

Oriental UMC 404 Freemason St, Oriental, North Carolina, United States

Engage in insightful discussions that build relationships!Our discussions will center on F. Willis Johnson's book, Holding Up Your Corner. Highlights of our time together: Register your attendance now. Registration deadline is February 12.Questions: Contact Sheila Barth
