Clergy Day Apart

Apex United Methodist Church 100 S. Hughes St., Apex, North Carolina, United States

@ Join Bishop Connie Shelton, Bishop Will Willimon, and others for a time of sharing observations, describing opportunities, and inviting partnership in this next new chapter of ministry in The United Methodist Church. Come early at 9 am to enjoy coffee and informal conversation with your colleagues. Our scheduled time together will begin at 10 am […]

Don’t Look Back: United Methodist Hope for the Future

The Center for Leadership Excellence presents a webinar specifically designed for UMC laity. In this webinar, Will Willimon will reflect with participants on “Where do we go from here” in our congregations? What is the most important work that needs to be done in your church in the present moment?

Girl Scout Sunday

Special Sundays are designated Sundays throughout the year that provide opportunities for giving. These special offerings are earmarked and support designated ministries. This Special Sunday supports the Girl Scouts.

Leading Missional Small Groups

This 4-week course teaches the Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. It is based on the conviction that just as holiness of heart leads to holiness of life, it is communities of holy love that participate in God’s mission in the world.


The Church Audit:It’s Easier Than You Think!

@ Every congregation needs to do a church audit, but it doesn’t have to be a big expense or an insurmountable obstacle. There is a great Local Church Audit Guide, available free for United Methodist churches that will take you through the audit step by step. Going through the process builds confidence among your financial […]

UMCOR Sunday

Special Sundays are designated Sundays throughout the year that provide opportunities for giving. These special offerings are earmarked and support designated ministries. This Special Sunday supports the United Methodist Committee on Relief. It underwrites UMCOR’s “cost of doing business” making it possible for UMCOR to focus on responding to communities and individuals when they need […]

Courage to Ask: What Your People Want to Hear

To increase your knowledge and experience cultivating donors, this virtual workshop is designed to equip and empower everyone to ask with courage. You already have the most important skills, and everything else you need can be learned. Whether you are experienced or terrified of “asking,” this workshop will equip you for courageous conversations that cultivate generosity. Take a step toward your leadership potential to raise both resources and generosity!


Crossroads 2023: Prophetic Living in a Broken World – Practicing Resurrection

@ What Crossroads provides laity and clergy the opportunity for an honest conversation about race and justice. This year’s theme is Prophetic Living in a Broken World: Practicing Resurrection. Register by March 8th→ When Registration is from 1-3 pm on March 23. The event will end at noon on March 25. Where Franklinton Center, 281 […]
