2023 Day of Discovery for Certified Lay Ministry
The North Carolina Conference Lay Servant Ministries team will sponsor an information session on Certified Lay Ministry (CLM) at the North Carolina Conference building in Garner.
The North Carolina Conference Lay Servant Ministries team will sponsor an information session on Certified Lay Ministry (CLM) at the North Carolina Conference building in Garner.
The NC Conference Safe Sanctuaries Team will offer a “Basics and Best Practices” workshop designed for those who need a refresher on basics and best practices and/or for those who are new to their local church’s Safe Sanctuaries team. Lunch is included at no cost, but a $10 donation can be made towards the cost of food & supplies for the event during registration.
@ An event co-hosted by Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle and Interfaith Power and Light, this is a session for youth interested in creation care and concerned about the […]
@ September is the Season of Creation, a month-long focus on God’s Creation and how we Christians can grow in our stewardship of what God has made. Season of Creation […]
Disabled people are 26% of the population, and yet, so frequently dismissed or ignored in church communities. In this session, Dr. Amy Kenny will outline the value and importance of disability theology, and invite church leaders to learn from the embodied wisdom of disabled people by practicing disability theology.
@ New Faith Communities Orientation Day for church planters. New Faith Communities Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live
@ Early Response Team classes help participants understand how United Methodists are involved during a disaster, how we get prepared for a disaster, and what we can do when a […]
Does your congregation and church building offer intentional hospitality to people with disabilities? An accessibility audit is a tool to measure not just physical accessibility but also attitudes and accommodations for sensory and communication needs. The audit process helps you set goals for continued progress in making your ministries fully inclusive so that everyone’s gifts and graces are utilized in the service of God.
Special Sundays are designated Sundays throughout the year that provide opportunities for giving. These special offerings are earmarked and support designated ministries. This Special Sunday supports Golden Cross ministry.
In this webinar, Melinda Baber will highlight experiences of ableism in the church and provide tools for church members to recognize ableism in their own contexts, disrupt it, and dismantle it.
@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to […]
@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to […]
Pastors, congregations, and church members are invited to two webinars designed to provide hospitality and legal information for immigrants living in the United States.
800-849-4433 (Toll-Free)
NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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