Preparing for Racialized Storms
ZoomThis webinar equips churches with the knowledge and skills to prepare for and respond to racially charged events that inflict trauma on the social fabric of America.
This webinar equips churches with the knowledge and skills to prepare for and respond to racially charged events that inflict trauma on the social fabric of America.
Rest, reflect, and renew your spirit in creation. Retreat days are guided by Rev. Stephanie Campbell of Creation Ministries at Dinner Bell Farm. The day will be ordered around prayer and poetry, soil and sacrament, silence and community, table, and creation. You will be welcomed to gently experience the gifts of creation across this forty-acre […]
This course reminds us that the Holy Spirit gives each Christian one or more spiritual gifts to be used for the common good. It guides readers to discover their own particular gifts and learn to use their gifts to serve others.
Join pastor and author MaryAnn McKibben Dana for a spirited exploration of “yes, and…” and other tools for faithful improvisation. We are all improvisers, often without realizing it. The focus of our time together will not be on acting and comedy skills, but on practices for thriving in the midst of chaotic, often unpredictable lives. Come for a tasty blend of scripture, theology, psychology, literature, pop culture, music, and more, as we dream, discuss, and play together.
@ Join Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for the NC and Western NC Conferences, on May 28 for a Beacon and Sound district training. Topics that will be covered include the theological basis for a creation care ministry, practical tips for getting started with or ways to grow a creation care ministry team in […]
Join us on May 29 at 12 pm for the Annual Conference 2024 Briefing Session. Register Now→
@ Join Rev. Jarrod Davis, Creation Ministries Coordinator for the NC and Western NC Conferences, on June 1 for a Corridor and Heritage district training. Topics that will be covered include the theological basis for a creation care ministry, practical tips for getting started with or ways to grow a creation care ministry team in […]
The North Carolina Conference Lay Servant Ministries team will sponsor an information session on Certified Lay Ministry (CLM) at the North Carolina Conference building in Garner.
The NCC Safe Sanctuaries Committee invites you to come with your Safe Sanctuaries questions so we can all keep our UM church members and visitors safer. Facilitated by a committee member, each Ask and Answer Zoom will be a chance to talk about current challenges and explore a topic in depth.
More information about Annual Conference will be coming soon.
This webinar will take a look at why and how we are called to Christian unity and to interreligious hospitality, and it will give some practical guidelines and suggestions for how to live that out in the life of a local congregation.
@ Theme: Life is a Jungle: Navigating a World of Change We invite you to come to Breakaway, a weeklong summer event for junior high and senior high school students where we will grow in community and explore themes of life together in this current moment. The theme will be “Life is a Jungle: Navigating […]
View articles, files, and websites that offer resources on immigration.
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NC Conference of
The United Methodist Church
700 Waterfield Ridge Place
Garner, NC 27529
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