Safe Sanctuaries: Basics and Best Practices (Gateway)

Crossroads Church of Fayetteville 306 McArthur Rd, Fayetteville

Your NC Conference Safe Sanctuaries Team is hosting an in-person workshop in the Gateway district… @ This workshop is designed for those who need a refresher on basics and best practices and/or for those who are new to their local church’s Safe Sanctuaries team.  This in-person workshop will be led by the Rev. Charlotte Brendel, […]


Clergy: Stay on Top of Your Taxes


@ Join Rev. Ken Sloane and Discipleship Ministries for a webinar with Rev. Don Joiner, a certified financial planner, on preparing taxes and planning for a sound financial future. Register Now→ Discipleship Ministries View Organizer Website Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live


Chestnut Ridge Confirmation Retreat

Chestnut Ridge Camp & Retreat Center 4300 Camp Chestnut Ridge Rd, Efland, NC, North Carolina, United States

Confirmation groups from United Methodist Churches are welcome to attend a confirmation retreat at Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center. Learn more and register→


Capital District: Basic Course

Soapstone UMC 12837 Norwood Rd, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

This course is open to all laity and is a great way to learn about the many ways laity can answer their call to ministry in the UMC. This course is required for all laity seeking certification as a lay servant, lay speaker, or lay minister.

Event Series Sabbath Retreat Days

Sabbath Retreat Days

Dinner Bell Farm 7565 Snow Camp Road, Snow Camp, North Carolina

Rest, reflect, and renew your spirit in creation. Retreat days are guided by Rev. Stephanie Campbell of Creation Ministries at Dinner Bell Farm. The day will be ordered around prayer and poetry, soil and sacrament, silence and community, table, and creation. You will be welcomed to gently experience the gifts of creation across this forty-acre […]


Teaching So Kids Can Learn


Deepen your awareness of age-appropriate learning strategies integral to teaching and discipling children effectively. Also, our presenter will share several pointers about shaping your ministry to welcome children with different needs. Be prepared at your computer with a thin wire hanger and some colorful art supplies such as a few crayons, watercolors, or markers.


Beacon District: UM History


This Zoom course is open to all laity. In addition, it meets the UM History requirement for those seeking to become certified lay speakers or certified lay ministers. This course also counts as an “advanced course” for certified lay servants or anyone in need of continuing education to renew their certification.


Living on the Edge: Healthy Boundaries

Clergywomen's Gathering on ZOOM with Bishop Shelton and Becky Posey Wiliams from GCOSROW Join us Tuesday, February 20, at 10 am on ZOOM for a gathering of North Carolina Conference clergywomen with conversation and practical applications from our own Bishop Shelton and Becky Posey Williams,  Senior Director of Sexual Ethics and Advocacy for the General […]

Event Series Lenten 6-Week Study

Lenten 6-Week Study

A virtual learning experience for Christian faith leaders who serve in BIPOC communities to introduce and reinforce practical and informative ways to engage with public policy and ecclesial polity.


Chestnut Ridge Confirmation Retreat

Chestnut Ridge Camp & Retreat Center 4300 Camp Chestnut Ridge Rd, Efland, NC, North Carolina, United States

Confirmation groups from United Methodist Churches are welcome to attend a confirmation retreat at Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center. Learn more and register→


Early Response Team Training (2/24/2024)

Hampstead UMC 15395 Hwy 17, Hampstead, North Carolina

@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERTs are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, […]


Early Response Team Recertification

Hampstead UMC 15395 Hwy 17, Hampstead, North Carolina

@ UMCOR provides several courses for Early Response Teams (ERTs) through a network of badged local trainers. ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERTs are not a first-response group of emergency workers, nor are they recovery, rebuild, […]
