Lay Servant Ministries Course with Lisa Bachman
March 20 @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm – 2nd session
March 27 @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm – 3rd session
April 3 @ 6:00pm – 8:00pm – 4th session
Registration closes: March 6
The Center for Leadership Excellence, in partnership with Lay Servant Ministries, will be offering an advanced course, Leading Missional Small Groups with Lisa Bachman. This course teaches the Wesleyan way to form missional communities and congregations. It is based on the conviction that just as holiness of heart leads to holiness of life, it is communities of holy love that participate in God’s mission in the world.
Learners will:
- Recover the early days of the Methodist movement, what it means to be missional, and why that is our call;
- Reframe their understanding of how the means of grace shape us to serve ‘missionally’;
- Be able to define a missional community, how to organize for it, and what it means.
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About Lisa Bachman
Lisa Bachman is a deaconess and team lead for Hope 4 Humanity (H4H), a ministry of The Church at Spring Forest in Hillsborough, NC. The Spring Forest (SF) faith community is a new monastic community, a mission church, and a UMC New Faith Community. SF consists of clergy and laity who serve in ministry in the community and in the world wherever God calls them to serve.