The Harbor District Lay Servant Ministries team presents the Basic Course in Lay Servant Ministries with Sandy Core and Ernest Leatherman.
Course scholarships are available to those in need of financial assistance. Scholarships reduce the cost of a course to $5. Please contact your district director or
About the Course: This is an overview course that provides helpful background for all laypersons in service in the church and community. It is also required for all who pursue recognition in Lay Servant Ministries. The Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course is a foundational course designed to equip new church leaders and renew current leaders in The United Methodist Church. It explores:
- personal spiritual gifts;
- servant leadership;
- each leader’s role in developing future leaders;
- the importance of consistent spiritual practices;
- the core ministries of Leading, Caring, and Communicating.
All participants are expected to read the Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant’s Book, by Sandy Jackson and Brian Jackson, prior to taking this course.
For questions about the course, please contact district director Sandy Core (

Thank you for your interest. Registration for this course has closed. If you believe you have time to order and read the book prior to class and would like to request an exception to register late, please contact The book is available on Kindle if you are open to reading electronically.
About the Facilitators:

Sandy Core, through her love and dedication to the Lord, has been a part of a variety of ministries, including church pianist, choir director, home Bible study leader, Sunday school teacher, and prayer ministry coordinator. After retiring from her careers as a teacher and social worker, she now works part-time as a data manager for First Fruit Ministries, a homeless ministry in Wilmington. Sandy attends Ocean View UMC and answered the call to be a lay speaker in 2016. She also serves as the Harbor district director of Lay Servant Ministries.

Ernest Leatherman has been lay speaking in churches since 2009 and earned his certification in 2014. He likes to draw on his extensive travels and personal experiences to highlight the love of Jesus Christ. He is a member of Ocean View UMC in Oak Island and has served in most capacities within the local church.