Website Long Memorial United Methodist Church
- Creatively accompany congregational singing with various sounds and styles on the piano and organ and accompany special music selections during worship.
- Demonstrate proficiency in all musical selections to enhance our corporate worship.
Select varied and appropriate solo music for each service in consultation with the Director of Music (e.g. preludes, offertories, postludes, and communion distribution). The music would complement the church’s musical preferences, the theme of the service or event, and the appropriate liturgical season. - Assist with worship planning, collaborating with the Director of Music, the Pastor, and other Worship and Music leaders.
- Communicate necessary information to relevant worship and administrative leaders.
- Support other staff in temporary projects when appropriate.
- Prepare for and attend all choir rehearsals; support and assist the Director of Music with the choir; be available to rehearse with other ensembles or soloists as agreed upon with the Director of Music.
- In consultation with the Director of Music, assist with recruiting and preparing substitutes for planned absences.
- Willingness to support the congregation or visitors when special music is requested at funerals, weddings, or similar events. The Organist/Accompanist has the right of first refusal to provide organ/piano music for all weddings and funerals held at the church. If the Organist/Accompanist chooses to accept a request, the stipend rate can be set at their discretion so long as it does not exceed the rates recommended by church policy.
- Proficiency in organ and piano in a variety of musical styles.
- Knowledge and familiarity with sacred/liturgical music to support planning.
- Able to sight-read basic hymns and expand the accompaniment for congregational singing beyond the written page.
- Able to accompany choral music in various styles, following a director.
- A collaborative work style, effective interpersonal communication skills, and a positive attitude.
- The position reports directly to the Pastor and serves alongside other ministry members.
- The Director of Music coordinates and oversees the day-to-day schedule and priorities.
- The position is accountable to the congregation through the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, which determines job responsibilities, compensation, and benefits and monitors performance, the workplace environment, professional development, and conflict mitigation in collaboration with the Pastor.
Time Requirements
- Working hours vary but include regular evening and Sunday hours. We estimate this part-time position to average 15-20 weekly hours, depending on experience and proficiency. This average includes all research, planning, and practice time.
- Year-round Sunday worship services at 8:45 and 11 am.
- Choir rehearsals on Wednesday evenings from September through June from 7-8 pm.
- Extended rehearsals during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter.
- Rehearsals with soloists and ensembles as needed, coordinated at a mutually convenient time.
- Attendance at Weekly worship planning meetings with the Director of Music and Pastor is encouraged if it coordinates with the Organist/Accompanist’s other work obligations.
- Seasonal special services such as Ash Wednesday and Christmas Eve (approx. five/year).
- Arrive at all practices and services fifteen minutes early to ensure readiness and communication with the Director of Music and other relevant parties.
Organ Details
- Modest Allen organ in the chapel.
- Allen Renaissance organ in the sanctuary includes: three manuals with pull stops for Choir, General, Swell, and Pedal; a radiated pedalboard, including toe pistons; and couplers with many presets.
- Speakers, including antiphonal speakers, are positioned in the organ pipe chambers constructed for the original 1929 installation of an Aeolian-Skinner organ.
Compensation and Benefits
- Employment is contingent upon a standard background check and verification of references.
- The Organist/Accompanist will be a part-time employee of Long Memorial UMC. There are no traditional benefits other than salary. The employee will be compensated on a salaried basis. Paychecks are issued every two weeks. Employees must complete a W-4 regarding deductions, and payroll taxes and Social Security will be withheld according to current regulations.
- The salary range for the position is negotiable depending on experience and education.
- The Organist/Accompanist will be granted three weeks of paid vacation annually, subject to approval in advance by the Pastor and the Director of Music. Vacation must be requested three months in advance.
- The Organist/Accompanist may seek the Pastor’s approval for or be directed to participate in training relevant to the above tasks.
- The Organist/Accompanist will be permitted to use the church facilities for practice and private teaching. Times must be coordinated with the church office to avoid scheduling conflicts, as church leadership will give priority to church activities. When using church facilities for such purposes, the Organist/Accompanist must adhere to the Safe Sanctuary child and vulnerable adult protection policy.
To apply for this job email your details to jona.fitzgerald@gmail.com