The relationship of mind, body and spirit calls for whole-person care of people of all ages.
Through a grant from The Duke Endowment, the NC Conference Office of Connectional Ministries offers a number of wellness programs led by Alyson Breisch, RN, for local churches and districts.
Benefits to participants may be physical, social and spiritual as Breisch uses creative and interactive methods in the presentation and bases the content on scripture and the care of bodies and relationships. In some cases the programs target the “health” of the church.
Beckoning Door: assesses the church’s hospitality and health quotient, inviting members of the congregation into new ways of seeing the space, facilities and communications of the local church. The workshop is ideal for several congregations to engage in together.
Health Literacy: A 12% “health literacy” rate among adults of all education and socio-economic levels is improved through this workshop. Participants are introduced to advance directives and health advocacy to assure appropriate care in a visit to the doctor or hospital.
Sacred Kitchen: Healthy eating is possible anywhere. Learn how to modify recipes, how to order from a menu and the benefits of buying local, seasonal produce.
Walking Program: This creative program integrates biblical images, principles and stories and the practices that contribute to wellness.
Sabbath: Based on Marva Dawn’s book, Keeping Sabbath Wholly, the emphasis on Sabbath brings clergy and laity to recognize the need for restoration, renewal and refreshment..
Spiritual Journaling and Life Review: is a way of valuing the persons and the experiences of members of our congregations. Groups of 12-14 senior adults, or families affected by a special needs child or persons in recovery from addiction, are examples of the possible target populations to consider for this process.
To schedule or to inquire about any of the wellness programs above, contact Breisch by email at