“At the end, having sat while everyone else spoke or passed, and I spoke, I felt a marvelous connection with everyone there when it was over. I felt I had witnessed a process. And been an actor in it.”
-Listening Session Participant
“Thank you for the summary. I appreciate your presence with us and helping us to navigate moving forward. This is a great summary and will be a tool for us to use as we move forward in ministry.”
-North Carolina Conference Pastor
“We are reminded through the work of our Conflict Transformation Team that we can learn how to talk and work with those with whom we disagree or find ourselves in conflict because reconciliation starts with a willingness to mutually work through conflict with hearts of peace. This is the core of our life together as transformed Christian sisters and brothers.”
-Bishop Leonard Fairley
“Conflict . . . embrace it firmly . . . deal with it kindly . . . resolve it in peace. Blessings on you for this wonderful and needed ministry in a world that wakes up in conflict but by God’s grace and power, can rest peacefully.”
-Workshop Participant
“I was profoundly moved by this group and the process that they chose to embrace. Grace was the overarching environment where this conversation was shared.”
-Conflict Transformation Minister
“I am grateful for [your] investment with us . . . it was very fruitful for [the congregation]!”
-North Carolina Conference Pastor
“It’s essential that Christians learn to listen well and to honor the viewpoint of others.”